Monday, October 29, 2018

Chickpea Pancakes Save the Day!

The best date I've ever been on was at an Ethiopian restaurant. I don't even remember the guy or the conversation but I remember the food! I remember the amazing spices and the different flavors and textures, not to mention the injera bread! Like most toddlers I love a meal where I get to dip and scoop and not use silverware! I've always craved Ethiopian food since that date, but I haven't had it since because I really don't know why to be honest. Flash forward to yesterday as I'm kind of feeling mopey and restricted with my food, and I'm dreaming of hulking out to eat all the bread, tofu and goitrogens my heart could desire. All of a sudden I thought of that magical experience and decided I would try an make an Ethiopian meal! I chose a cabbage dish and also a yellow split pea dish. I looked up a recipe for injera and saw that it was easy to make. (LIE) Well, my split peas were still rock hard after three hours of cooking, and it turns out injera is much harder than the recipe I followed made it seem. After using all my batter and producing no injera, plus rock hard split peas it was time to throw in the towel.

Luckily I have garbanzo bean flour in my pantry so I whipped up some quick chickpea pancakes. I made a spicy cucumber salad that I was going to have with my Ethiopian feast, but it tasted great with my pudla too! Aren't kitchen disasters the worst?? I don't mind a million dishes when it's a success, but when you have nothing to show for it aagghhh!!
I've been drinking more turmeric tea lately as part of my overall health plan. I saw this and read the ingredients which say "honey flavor" I wasn't sure what that could be, but according to Yogi Tea's website all of their teas are vegan and kosher. So I picked it up and it's pretty tasty. I think I like Trader Joe's ginger turmeric tea a little better, but this is still tasty!
My favorite thing about yogi tea is the quotes! Sometimes it's almost spooky when a quote is just so perfect for what I'm feeling in that moment!
I don't really think anyone makes sleeping look better than Miss Floof herself! I just want to rest my face on her belly all the time!!


  1. I would've guessed injera might be difficult to make. Of course, I wouldn't attempt the pudla either, so what do I know. It's weird that the split peas never cooked up properly though. Can't win 'em all.

    I'm like you, I have a bunch of those Yogi Tea tags taped up on my fridge. Every one seems better than the last!

    1. When dried beans take too long to cook it means they're old. I bought the split peas that day so the store I bought them at needs to restock their bulk beans!
      I have all my yogi tags in a drawer, my plan is to make a collage with them. I probably have enough now to make one.

  2. That is such a tempting looking belleh.
    I have made injera once and it was OK, though nerve wracking, I had to let it sit out for a couple of days and was worried I would kill us all. It was a fairly straight forward recipe at least, some of them are so complicated!

    1. The one I followed called for a short ferment, only 24 hours. But she said you could also make it sooner, it just wouldn't be sour. I let my dough sit for about eight hours. It might have been my fault but the whole thing was just too stressful.

  3. Aww floofy belly!! The meal looks incredible and I love that you can't remember the guy or the conversation but it was your favorite date. Thank makes me smile :)

  4. Sorry to hear the meal you planned didn't work out, but your fallback meal looks great! And such floof!


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