Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A Booch, A Meal and A Cat!

My third batch of homemade kombucha won't be ready for another two or three days so I've been having to buy it. It really hurts to pay store prices now! I remember I tried humm kombucha once in Seattle and it was a little dry for my taste. I forget the flavor. But I am a sucker for grapefruit and this was under two dollars so I decided to give them another chance, and boy am I glad I did! This is light and grapefruit-y and not too sweet and not too dry which is exactly how I prefer my booch. Apparently this is a seasonal flavor so unfortunately it won't be around for long. If you see this flavor I highly recommend trying it!
Last night I was craving potatoes, tofu and salad so that's what I had! I picked up this garlic and herb seasoning from the bilk spice section and I swear it is the best thing ever on potatoes. In my serving days I remember people ordering salads with ranch and Italian dressing. I always thought it was weird because in my pregan days I hated ranch. But now as a vegan Just ranch has come into my life and I love it. So I tried that combo on my salad and it's super delicious!! Those people weren't so weird after all!
This bottom shelf in the bathroom has become the hot spot for napping around here, especially with Joan and Kiki. Joan loves it because she's kind of hidden and nestled away so it's perfect when she needs alone time!


  1. Oooh that kombucha sounds yummy! The dinner looks so perfect. Sometimes you just want something simple and delicious :) I am obsessed with Just Ranch and I was never a ranch girl either! That seasoning sounds good.

    Awww sweet kitty!!! I know how she feels, I always feel like I need some alone time, ha!

  2. Your potato-tofu-salad bowl looks great; I've never heard of the ranch/Italian dressing combo, but it sounds interesting! Good for Joan for staking out a space for her alone time, what a sweetheart!

  3. I’ve never seen that grapefruit kombucha-much less for $2!? Awesome.
    Great find on the bulk bin spice mix, for simple meals the condiments and spices are definitely critical. I made a big pot of soup the other day and tonight i added a glob of dijon on top and it changed the flavor profile enough it didn’t feel like a repeat

  4. I love that they have their own little bathroom cave.
    It is funny how our tastes change as we get older, and also how things we didn't like pregan suddenly become awesome when we are vegan!


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