Thursday, October 4, 2018

Hits and Misses

I bought these a long time ago on sale, and they kind of got shoved to the back of my freezer. One night last week I found them and decided to have them with some oven fries for a quick dinner.
These are definitely not for me. I was hoping for that onion ring experience and these did not give me that. The texture is terrible, the inside is gummy and sticks to the roof of your mouth. And they really don't have much of a taste. They don't really taste like cauliflower, but they certainly don't taste like onions. Back when I lived in Seattle I tried another one of their products, it was some kind of veggie fry and I remember not caring for it. To me these taste like something a parent would try to feed a kid to sneak in some veggies.
I picked these up the other day and I got around to trying them yesterday. They are made with cassava and coconut flour. The nacho cheese flavor comes from nooch and other nacho flavors like jalapeno and tomato. I think they're made for the paleo crowd. I wanted to try them because I love chips made from cassava flour. I don't really get a strong nacho flavor, more of like a salty, nooch-y flavor with a bit of lime. I like all of those things so I am happy. But they are pricey so unless I find a sale I won't be buying these very often.
Last night I made a lentil potato soup since I totally scored five packages of befree gluten free rolls for $.99 each! I like to use red and green lentils since red lentils make everything creamy! I also did something I've never done with lentil soup. I blended half of the soup to make it really creamy. Why have I never done this before??? It looks super ugly, but trust me it was everything I could want in a lentil soup! I also really enjoyed the roll. It's soft and has a nice kind of whole grain flavor and it was great for dunking!
It feels way too early, but this morning was a little on the chilly side so I turned on the heat for a bit just to warm it up. Here is my little heat lover having it all for herself! I hope someday I can afford a place with a fireplace for her!


  1. Too bad about the veggie rings, but that's great that you enjoyed the chips; the flavor sounds perfect! And your lentil potato soup looks like a delicious fall meal! Sweet Joan!

  2. Never to early for some heat to be turned on if you ask a cat! Dim Sim is also a little heat seeker.

    Bummer about the veggie rings, that sounds gross.


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