Sunday, October 21, 2018

Last Tango with Tofu

I had to have tofu for dinner last night! I decided to make sweet and sour tofu, which is something I've actually never eaten. I've had friends get sweet and sour dishes and the extreme color of the sauce always terrified me! And, I've seen versions with pineapple and that is and always will be a no. I don't know why I decided to try this last night but I'm glad I did. I used this recipe. I did leave out the bell peppers because I firmly believe that bell peppers should NEVER be cooked. Unless it's roasted red pepper and they're blended into something. Anyway, the sauce is super simple and I was surprised by how tasty. I will miss you tofu.
Today starts my elimination diet of sorts. I feel silly calling it that because I don't really know what I'm doing, I'm kind of winging it. I know I will be continuing to avoid gluten, and I will also be cutting out soy and raw kale, spinach and broccoli. I will be adding Brazil nuts for selenium, pumpkin seeds for zinc, sea vegetables for iodine and cutting back on caffeine. I'll also be adding a daily meditation practice along with more yoga and longer cardio workouts. It takes people with hypothyroidism longer to burn calories. Of course! I have been doing so much research and it's very overwhelming if I'm being honest. But I'm excited to keep learning and I am definitely dedicated to healing myself.
This chair belongs to Afro. If I ever sit in it, she circles the chair meowing frantically, scratches the back and will even jump on the back of the chair and hover over me to let me know I am not allowed!


  1. I've never made sweet and sour tofu, but I totally should; thanks for linking to the recipe! Good luck with all the changes you're making; I hope they help!
    Oh, Afro, how could anyone even think about stealing your throne? Haha!

    1. The recipe is really good and really easy!! Highly recommend!
      I hope they help too. So far I feel really, really great!

  2. Sweet and sour tofu can be really icky if it’s not dine right- too sweet and kind of gloppy. But at the right place it’s delicious! Too funny you don’t like cooked bell peppers- I certainly prefer then raw better, but a quick stir fry is nice. Although i hate green bell peppers, and no, no fruit in my savory meals thank you.
    For your elimination diet is there an online program that you can follow for guidance? Or if not maybe it would be helpful to write simple notes on what your goal(s) is (are) to help filter all of the information to simple points to focus on.

    1. I have a ton of lists going to keep all the information straight. I feel a lot better today because I did a ton of research yesterday. My plan is to keep it simple. I think that's what's best for my body and my mind.

  3. I was concerned for your long-term health and left a comment about spinach having high oxalates and being a goitrogen in May on your Stuff I Ate on Sunday. All those spinach-laced green smoothies you were drinking daily for someone with hyperthyroidism didn't make any sense.

    Just like animals, plants have defenses against being eaten so the plants can reproduce. Spinach defends itself from being eaten with oxalates. Oxalates attach to calcium to prevent your body from absorbing the calcium. Although spinach is high in calcium, the oxalates reduce your ability to absorb calcium from spinach or any other foods. Over a period of time, eating a lot of spinach can lead to osteoporosis and cause kidney stones. Hyperthyroidism magnifies the danger, as you have probably found out from your research.

    Joining a local hyperthyroid support group can help you get specific information and resources.

    Good luck with your elimination diet. I hope you heal quickly.

    1. I do remember that comment. Honestly at the time I hadn't done a lot of research, and it didn't make sense in my mind that spinach could be bad for me! I've definitely learned a lot over the past few days and hope to learn much more.
      Thank you for the links!

  4. Oooh that looks incredible! Good luck with the new diet! I hope that it helps!!

  5. Farewell tofu! Have you tried chickpea/Burmese tofu? I did a blog search and saw that you found some at a shop one, but didn't buy any then. I have some recipes to make it if you want me to send them to you!

    1. I remember I saw it at a Whole Foods in Seattle. I had recently tried hemp tofu which was just all the NO and I was scared to try it. But I would love recipes because I did just buy a bag of chickpea flour and I am finding myself missing tofu so much!


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