Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Under Thirty Dollars at Whole Foods!

Cilantro,pinto beans,Basmati rice and nooch in bulk, lemons, jalapeno,frozen strawberries,bananas,brown rice tortillas,spinach,tofu, sea salt caramel pops
Although thirty dollars was my budget at Whole Foods yesterday I somehow only spent twenty almost twenty one dollars! The gluten free tortillas I got were cheaper at Whole Foods than anywhere else I've seen, and their frozen strawberries and tofu are the same price as Trader Joe's. And I've mentioned before that their bananas are the best bananas I've ever had in my life.
My hemp bags also worked great for my bulk items! I was worried that I would have nooch dust everywhere but my groceries were dust free when I got home.
I stumbled across J.L Fields newest cookbook. I've been reading her blog for quite some time, I felt a little rush of pride like wow I know this person even though I only know her blog! Air Fryers are super trendy right now. They're the new Instant Pot!
I picked up gluten free pasta, potatoes and salsa at work which were the three things I forgot at Whole Foods.
I lucked out at work and found gluten free pasta on sale, our store made salsa is on sale and our potatoes are always pretty affordable. I actually spent $6.19 on food, the extra dollar was cash back so I could get quarters for laundry. So I have like two fifty or so I can use if I need something this week.
Once again I feel pretty good about my haul and I have some ideas of meals I'm going to make with what I got and a few pantry staples. I'm excited to have quesadillas and burritos again. I haven't had a burrito since going gluten free. Burritos are essential to anyone on a budget!!
I have today off thank the universe so I'm going to attempt another gluten free lasagna. I have one other package of those noodles I tried before. This time I'm going to assemble it right before baking instead of hours before. Hopefully that will make a big difference in the texture. If not I'm done with no bake noodles. I have odds and ends of stuff that will be put to delicious use!


  1. I love those wraps! Though they tend to break, but they are tasty (not quite like the flour counterparts but still yummy in their own way) Whole Foods randomly has great deals like that. In my area they have some of the cheapest cashews!

    1. They had great prices on the bulk pinto beans and brown rice. I'll have to check the cashews the next time I'm there.
      I'm going to make quesadillas using the wraps tonight so hopefully they work!

  2. Such a good haul for so little! I love those hemp bags for bulk buying, I should look into something similar here.
    I always think of Wholefoods as being very expensive, though I guess when I am in a Wholefoods I am more buying ridiculous treats to bring home to Australia with me, rather than doing regular grocery shopping.

    1. I really am loving the hemp bags! Plus like I said even nooch stays inside the bag, no leaking!
      Whole Foods can be so expensive for a lot of specialty items but a lot of their regular stuff is actually affordable!

  3. Nice! With careful shopping whole foods can be doable on a budget- there is one in my neighborhood now (!) and when they have sales there are some downright good prices, they did a special on avocados a while back for $1 each which is near unheard of in nyc.
    Oh, and sign for the email newsletter, sometimes they have random one day sales that are fabulous like $2/cherries when they’re in season.
    Hooe the quesadillas are awesome!

    1. I notice that a lot of their prices are affordable. I'm pretty impressed to be honest. Even some of their specialty vegan items are decently priced.
      I'm trying out some quesadillas tonight!

  4. Wow! A $20 Whole Foods haul with all of that great stuff is pretty amazing! It's so easy for your bill to add up quickly there, I'm seriously impressed. I have only been there once since the prices were supposed to drop, maybe I'll take a trip over within the next few weeks and see what's going on :)

    1. I'm seriously impressed with their prices now. I didn't believe it at first but it really is true. I mean like I said above of course they sell some expensive specialty stuff but for the more basic items there are some goodd deals!

  5. I've been tempted to look into an air fryer! You are right...they are soooo trendy right now :) WTG on the under $30 at WF!


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