Saturday, January 13, 2018

All Kinds of Vegan Stuff!

Yesterday I went to Natural Grocers and Trader Joe's. I saw a few new to me items at Natural Grocers that I didn't buy but I got pictures!
I didn't even know this existed! It looks just like packages of ground beef that every store sells except no blood, cruelty and death involved. I should have checked the price so I could report back but I forgot. I'll check the next time I'm there.
I've seen a few people review these on YouTube and I thought you had to order them on Amazon to be honest! They have  sriracha, BBQ and vegan white cheddar flavors. The reviews I've seen have been mixed and at almost four dollars a bag I couldn't afford the risk. But sometime I will try the white cheddar.
And another vegan jerky! While jerky is not my thang, I'm so excited to see more and more vegan options because obviously that means more and more people are buying it!!
Now we can move on to my little haul from Trader Joe's. It's nowhere near as exciting as these new products though!
Cabbage,bananas,frozen strawberries,reusable cleaning cloths,lentils,tofux2,shredded carrots,frozen acai packets,brown Jasmine rice,lemons, limes,beets

This was my one splurge. I have been craving Chao cheese for quite some time and so I decided to treat myself. I got this along with a big gingerberry kombucha at Natural Grocers.

Here is a close up of the kitchen cloths I got. I am ashamed to admit this but up until now I have used paper towels to clean my apartment. I guess I've given myself a pass in the past because I am careful of how many I use, but I realized I can be better. These were $2.99 for two, and will last forever so they're good for the old wallet too!


  1. I wonder if we will see that Tofurky product here eventually. At one point we had all of their products, but there have been some supplier issues so things have been a bit sparse lately. Hopefully it all gets back to normal soon!

    My dad uses SO MANY paper towels and tissues, it is ridiculous. I generally try and use a sponge or cleaning cloth, though there are times where a paper towel is needed. But he just uses them for all sorts of ridiculous reasons and it drives me a little up the wall.

    1. There are definitely times when paper towels are unfortunately needed but I just hope by using the reusable cloths I can cut down my use by a lot. I have a coworker who uses so many papaer towels I can't stand watching.

  2. Wow, that tofurkey product is awesome! I haven't seen it anywhere-and i'm not a big faux meat person so dunno that i would buy it- but i love that there even is such a thing!
    What timing, i actually bought a little bag of those Hippeas yesterday, it was an individual serving size, the bbq flavor and they were really tasty! I liked that they had a good bit of protein and a sturdy texture. They didn't have the cheese flavor, that sounds even better!
    I use a combo of cleaning towels that i bleach the heck out of and paper towels when necessary (like this afternoon when i dropped my jar of mustard and it spattered glass and mustard everywhere)...

    1. I don't know if I'll try the tofurky product either because of the gluten issue, but I agree I'm just so happy to see it exists!
      I think I will try the Hippeas one of these times when my budget is a little looser.
      Sometimes paper towels are definitely necessary. Been there with a broken jar and lots of sauce!!!

  3. I enjoyed seeing what you found! I don't blame you one bit on the Chao Splurge!!


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