Sunday, January 21, 2018

Immune Boosting Day!

I had the Monday blues yesterday morning so I made myself some green juice with spinach, tangelos and carrot and watched some Young Turks.
Since I'm working on keeping my immune system strong, I made a miso broth with garlic, jalapeno and green onion and added rice noodles and baked tofu. An sriracha on top because sriracha. This was so soothing. And I'm glad that I'm working on my immune system because several sickies came through my line. One guy even admitted that he had the flu. The maddening thing is that he was with his husband. You kind of understand when people live alone, but couldn't/shouldn't he have stayed home and let DH do the shopping alone? And he paid with cash so I had to touch his dirty money!! I have never been a huge hand sanitizing person, but since I can't leave and wash my hands I have joined the sanitation crew!!
I had some oven fries and baked tofu after work. Dipped in sweet heat BBQ sauce and a little ollop of garlic just mayo.
This was Kanye lounging right before I left for work. She really loves to show off her belly, and I am only too happy to rub it!


  1. I know! Some people have no idea how bad it is to go out when sick! When my husband worked at the bank there was a man with strep throat and hacking and coughing all over the deposit slips and such, and surprise, my husband got sick! The flu is super bad since you know, people can die from it if it they have compromised immune systems.

    1. It is maddening how much people don't get it! I have been doing everything in my power to keep my immune system strong!

  2. People coming in to the consult room who are sick. Especially with sick kids, who cough all over me without covering their mouths. It is so gross. But then again, I guess my work situation is such that I can never really properly recover when I am sick myself, and end up consulting while still being sick. :/

    1. I know. I had a bad cold in the fall and I went to work and felt so bad. Especially because I'm touching their food.
      I swear kid germs are a million times worse than ault germs!

  3. The bowl looks and sounds awesome!!! I need a broth like that in my life right about now!

  4. I swear the whacko frigid/warm/arctic days this winter have guaranteed most of nyc is/was/soon will be sick...! I suspect that sleep is a huge factor in boosting immune system function too. That soup sounds delicious- I actually just make a mug of miso broth to sip like a savory tea often, i put a gob of miso paste in my empty thermos and then just mix with hot water at the office.
    A lot of nyc cashiers wear plastic gloves - which may or may not be helpful- is that an option at your job? At least you could avoid direct contact with germy cash and such.
    If there was such a cute kitty distracting me at home i would never get anywhere on time!


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