Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Super Potato

I really like this quote that was on my ginger teabag this morning. I've always loved dandelions myself, and as a little kid I used to pick huge bouquets of them for my grandma. She always loved them, and acted as if I had bought her a dozen roses.
Yesterday was day of the potato for me. Other than a green smoothie, I had potatoes all day. I wrote on Instagram that as far as I'm concerned, the little old potato is a superfood. I always feel powered and energetic when I start my day with potatoes, and they keep me full for a looooong time. They're also full of potassium and vitamin C. They're also one of the cheapest foods you can find. It seems like superfoods need to be super expensive and hard to find to be trendy and considered a superfood, but if you're on a budget, potatoes are where it's at.
I had mashed potatoes with my favorite gravy for dinner. Even though this gravy says vegetarian on the packet, it's vegan. It also sells for a decent price at Natural Grocers, not sure about other groceries. I do not have the gravy making gene. I have tried making my own recipe, and also recipes from other people and I fail all the time so these packets are just easier and less frustrating.
Here's a close up of Joan deep in sleep. She is definitely the most energetic and playful of the bunch, so to see her so deep in sleep is kind of a rarity!


  1. Yup! I'm a potato fan, too! Can't wait to get back into them again! Odd Ball Potato Recipes coming soon! LOL

    1. OOh, I can't wait for odd ball potato recipes!!

  2. Potatoes are the BEST! And they're so versatile. If I were stranded on an island and could only have one food, I'd probably go with a potato. Also, Joan looks so snuggly!

    1. I totally agree. They;re kind of like tofu in that they take on so many different flavors! I know, she;s so sweet!


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