Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Gluten Free Struggles

This was my breakfast yesterday. Roasted Brussels sprouts and some kitchari with green dragon sauce. I'm pretty convinced that anyone who doesn't like Brussels sprouts has never had them roasted. I once tried steamed Brussels and gag, roasting is the way to go!
When I went vegan, I had maybe one or two weeks where all I did was dream of cheese, and mourn the loss of cheese in my life. This was back when there really weren't tasty alternatives. But after that small window of time, I have never felt deprived at all. As a matter of fact, I feel like a whole new world of foods opened up to me, and I started getting really creative in the kitchen. But lately with being gluten free I am struggling, and I do feel very deprived and restricted. I miss bread so much. I haven't been able to find a good gluten free bread. I miss sandwiches, and veggie burgers, and field roast and tofurky and gardein. Gardein makes a delicious gluten free black bean burger, but I haven't been able to find it. And even if I could, I have no bread or bun to put it on! Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful to have discovered the gluten free pizza crusts from Trader Joe's, and Ronzoni makes a decent gluten free pasta, but I still feel restricted and sometimes it's frustrating. I also miss flour tortillas. I haven't had a burrito in forever! And truth be told I prefer flour tortillas for tacos. Sorry for the rant, I just feel frustrated!
Anyway, enough of the boo hoos. Last night I made this big bowl of deliciousness. It's a salad with Romaine, avocado and red onion tossed with Just Ranch and topped with some almond feta, and potatoes and tofu seasoned with chili lime seasoning from Trader Joe's. Seriously the best seasoning ever! I of coursed doused it all with cholula. I guess it was kind of like a burrito bowl without beans. The almond feta got creamy as I stirred it around and just made the whole bowl decadent.
And now just look at that belly! It's completely irresistible to me, and Kanye knows it! She and Afro are total cuddle buddies for life!


  1. Oooh major drool - those meals look delicious! I can't wait to try that almond feta! I really want a proper Greek Salad now :) And you are right, roasted brussels sprouts are pretty much the best ever.

    Aww cuddle buddies! Too adorable!

    1. A Greek salad does sound outstanding! I'm going to be making a Greek pizza either tomorrow or Saturday, woot woot!
      Afro and Kanye, besties forever!

  2. OMG, that belly! Kitty bellies are the best. I love how Afro is all propped up on the belly. :-) As for the gluten sadness, I feel for you. I don't think I could do it long-term. I mean, I know it's something you have to do for health, but I fear if I needed to go gluten-free for health, I'd slip up all the time and probably feel awful all the time. They really need to make better options for gluten-free tortillas (the ones on the market now tend to break and fall apart). And B Free makes great gluten-free bread, but it's not widely available and it should be.

    1. Also the seitan part would be WAY hard. Stay strong!!!

    2. It's so hard, I am tempted all the time. Like I miss gardein and tofurky so much! And I used to love making seitan. And every time I'm at Natural Grocers it seems like Uptons has a new seitan product and it just kills me. I've been sticking with it though.
      I haven't even tried any gluten free tortilla because they're expensive, and I've seen enough reviews to know that they crack and just aren't the best.
      I read your review of the BFree breads, and haven't been able to find them anywhere!!

  3. I came back because I knew I forgot to comment on at least 1 other post! oopsy! Gotta LOVE those kitty poses! And that Vegan Cheese you made OMG I can't stop thinking about it ever since I saw it on IG!! Awesome Job!

    1. Thanks! I already have my second batch of feta setting up. It's so easy to make it's crazy!
      My kitties definitely love the camera! They're little vegan hams!

  4. I just want to face plant right into that belleh! And give that belly a raspberry. I cannot resist a cat belleh.

    I can imagine the frustration of being GF and suddenly not being able to eat your favourite things. Bread-type products seem to be one of the hardest things to find, from what my GF friends have found. And so many of them have egg or dairy in them. Hopefully in time things will become more available. Have you ever tried making bread?

    1. I know, I can't leave their bellies alone. I know I drive them nuts, but it's an addiction!
      Yes, GF breads for some reason always have egg, dairy or honey. Or they're out of this world expensive.
      I've been thinking about trying to bake my own GF bread, but to be honest I'm kind of intimidated as I've never worked with GF flour. But the way it looks, it might be my only option.


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