Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Almond Feta Extravaganza!

It's been awhile since I've made vegan cheese. Like real cheese, not just a sauce. I experimented a bit with different cheeses using Agar Agar, and I used to have a cashew goat cheese recipe that I loved. I think it was from vegetarian Times, but it's been so long I can't remember. But for some reason I kind of stopped experimenting. Well, on Sunday I got back into the vegan cheese making game and tried a recipe for almond feta from Hot for Food which is one of my favorite YouTube channels. Here is the recipe I used. It seriously is so freaking easy, it took like five minutes of hands on preparing. The rest of the time is just waiting for it to set.
Here it is just made, waiting to be refrigerated. At this point it could be just a tasty cheese dip if you so wanted.

I had to get creative to let it properly set. The strainer needed to not be touching the bottom of the bowl, so I borrowed a string from the kitties. Afro was very disturbed and was trying to climb in the fridge to get the string back, even though there are five million strings floating around this apartment!
And here is the delicious finished product! To be honest it's now been so long since I've had dairy cheese all I can remember is that I loved feta, but I don't remember the exact taste, but this is delicious! It has a tang from the lemon juice that I remember feta having, and the texture is wonderful. I will definitely be making this again.
I made a pizza with the other gluten free crust and added white beans, shredded Brussels sprouts, garlic, nooch and sliced sweet onion along with some of the feta. This was a super delicious pizza. The cheese added a nice sharp kick.
I feel inspired to make vegan cheese again. The next time I'm at Trader Joe's I think I'm going to get some raw cashews and try to track down that cashew goat cheese recipe! I love being inspired in the kitchen!
Etta was in the mix, but in true Etta fashion jumped down as soon as I showed up to take a picture! I've just accepted that I might never properly make my bed again!


  1. I still haven't attempted making my own vegan cheese, but yours looks like it turned out great! That's hilarious about Afro being so concerned about the string! :D

    1. The almond feta is seriously so easy to make, I was very pleasantly surprised!
      She was so upset that I borrowed their string, it really made her fret!!

  2. Yeah! I'm a little jealous of your almond feta cheese making skills! I can do cheesy dips and sauces but struggle with the firmer ones and blocks!

    1. Seriously the Hot for Food feta is so dang easy to make and it is DELICIOUS!! Ihave my second batch setting up right now!!

  3. What is that ifty thing you are using to drain it?
    I must admit to mostly making cheese sauces, though I have tried a couple of Miyoko and other recipes. Though a lot of cheese recipes use coconut oil now, which won't work for me. But I like agar based ones.

    1. It's a paint strainer thing that has mesh at the bottom. I got it for twenty one cents at a hardware store! I just recently made a second batch of almond feta and uses cheesecloth.
      I made a few cheeses from the uncheese cookbook which used agar and they were pretty great.
      What I like about the almond feta is that it's just almonds and spices, super easy.


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