Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Spring Fever

I whipped up another batch of kitchari. This time with potatoes and some baby spinach. This is such a great start to my day. I feel full but light, and it gives me lots of energy. And it's a great way to get my daily turmeric in!
Yesterday was flip flop weather! It was about seventy degrees here in Salt Lake City and it was amazing! People were happy, everyone was eating lunch outside and enjoying the sun, it was the best. I love spring so much!

For dinner I whipped up a quick and lazy meal that was pretty tasty. I stirred some hoisin and Korean BBQ sauce into some rice noodles and served it with edamame and some oven baked tofu. Quick, easy, and super delicious!
I've created monsters. I have been letting Afro out on the deck supervised of course. She is obsessed with trying to go down the stairs. I let Roxy go out the other day, and of course now she's following her sister's lead.
This is where Afro spends a large chunk of the day. Staring longingly at the door, willing it open! I guess we all have spring fever!


  1. I'm not much of a flip flop person but I do adore spring! We are getting snow and wind at the moment but our February was oddly spring-like!

    1. I so don't miss living in the snow belt. I still feel traumatized from living in Erie and having it snow until May!!

  2. So jealous of your flip-flop weather! Most of Feb was pretty warm here, but the past week has been FREEZING again. It even SNOWED here on Sat night, which like, never happens. Supposed to warm up again this weekend. Can't wait. That rice noodle bowl looks so good!

    1. I feel bad for everyone having winter like weather still. Like I said above, I don't miss those days at all.
      Enjoy your warm weekend! Woot Woot!!Hopefully it stays!

  3. Yay for flip-flop weather! It snowed/sleeted here Tuesday, but it'll slowly warm up again soon! Your noodle bowl looks delicious! Such brave explorer kitties! :D

    1. I feel bad for all of you still dealing with winter! It's like go away already!!
      The noodle bowl was really tasty!
      Afro and Roxy are getting a little too brave really!!

  4. All we have here is thong weather... yes, flip flops are thongs here. The underwear referred to as a thong by Americans is called a G-string. Summer has been going for six months now... it is technically autumn... I am ready for some jumper weather!

    1. That's so funny. I think here if it's non strippers the underwear are thongs, if it's a stripper it's G strings!!


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