Friday, March 17, 2017

The Good, The Bad and The Great!

Yesterday I had miso veggie soup for breakfast. This had cabbage and edamame along with some tofu and rice noodles. Sriracha and hoisin drizzled on top. I always feel amazing when I start the day with miso soup.
I had kind of a fail for dinner. I wanted to make homemade bake taquitos, and my plan was for then to turn out so beautiful for that perfect Instagram shot (ha ha) but unfortunately the tortillas split and cracked in the oven. I think the key is really fresh, probably even homemade tortillas. It was suggested to heat them in a microwave to make them more pliable, but I don't own a microwave. The good news is they were still tasty, I mashed some black beans with nooch, salt and pepper and garlic powder, and added some green chilis and a tiny bit of vegan shreds. I also made some spicy coleslaw with chipotle Just Mayo, cholula and a little rice vinegar. So it was a tasty albeit not so pretty meal.
I have some really great news. I am super excited to announce that I am a new volunteer for The Humane League! I saw something on either Twitter or Instagram about volunteering no matter where you live, and so I emailed the person and I spoke with them yesterday and had a wonderful conversation. Rachel is mailing me leaflets, and some stickers and more info. I am super excited to be a part of this organization, and I can't wait to get started.  I want to dedicate myself to doing whatever I can to make the world a better place for animals. I've been reading The Alchemist and I am trying to pay attention to signs from the universe and I'm trying to find my own personal treasure. I feel very passionate about helping animals, so this seems like a logical first step in my journey. I'll definitely talk a lot more about it as I learn more!!
I love this picture of Joan. She crawled in my lap and to demand dinner. This is her I'm serious face!!
And here's Etta and Afro being super cute! They're holding paws! Squee! Sometimes it's just too much cuteness around here!


  1. Joan's face is priceless! I wish I had my phone ready when Paco made a funny face last night...he totally looked HIGH. LOL I am going to check out their website! That's awesome you are volunteering! If they don't care where you are - maybe I will look into it too! Thanks for letting me know about it!!!! I'm sure I will be back shortly!

    1. That's the hardest thing with animals is not having your camera ready when they are.
      Rachel, the person I spoke with is actually in PA. I can't remember if it was Philly or Pittsburgh, but they don't care where you live!

  2. I know my kibbutzing stresses you out, but don't forget Best Friends has a huge kitten nursery in South Salt Lake and they're always looking for volunteers (if you actually want to get out there, rather than just working from home):

    1. I'm going to be "getting out there" with the humane league.There are several things I'm going to be doing with them. I feel really good about my choice.

    2. Oh sorry about that! I went on the website and it looks like the volunteer work was all social media related. Well, whatever it is - it's nice you're doing good works.

  3. Etta and Afro holding paws! OMG! Too much! Also, the dinner looks delicious even with the cracked tortillas! :-)

    1. I know, they are so sweet! I had to be super stealth taking the picture so they wouldn't move!!

  4. So happy for you about volunteering! I can't wait to read about all of your adventures.

    1. Thanks, I'm really happy too! I think they're a great organization, and I;m super happy to be a part of it and fight for animals!

  5. I can't with those kitties! Too adorable! I'm so excited about your volunteering opportunity! I can't wait to hear about it! I think it'll be such an amazing experience for you.

    I don't think I'd call cracked tortillas a fail at all! Stuff like that happens all the time, as long as it tasted good that's all that matters :)

    1. I think so too. I'm so happy and I have a feeling this is just the start of my journey.
      They did taste really good, I just had this vision of the perfect taquito. Le sigh!

  6. Awesome to hear that you're going to volunteer with the Humane League -- they ran the Philly VegFest I attended in 2015! Joan looks super serious haha! :D

    1. I'm so happy and excited to volunteer with them. It's something I've wanted to do for a very long time.
      Joan is always super serious about dinner!!

  7. Too much kitty cuteness!
    I have terrible luck making anything that involves rolling something in a corn tortilla, they always split. At least with enchiladas everything is covered in sauce so you can't really tell, but I guess taquitos leave no where to hide. But all that matters is that it is tasty!
    That is super cool about the Humane League!

    1. That's why I make enchilada casserole, so I don't even have to roll them! I guess if you have super fresh homemade shells it's easier. But they tasted good so at least it wasn't a waste.
      I am so excited about the Humane League. I feel like it's going to be really wonderful, and it's going to feel good to be fighting for animals.


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