Thursday, March 9, 2017

All Over the Place

Here are some adorable baby tulips I saw yesterday morning. Spring is on it's way!

I know it's kind of hard to see, but I loved this billboard I saw yesterday that was promoting caring for your heart and eating right. All the foods were fruits and vegetables, not one single animal product in the group. I'm so used to seeing advertisement promoting lean animal proteins this was refreshing. And it was not a vegan billboard, I think it was from a hospital so no one can say they have an agenda.
I stopped at Harmon's on my way home for cat food, and look what I found! They had Heidi Ho cheese on sale for three bucks, and although it's not on my cleanse I had to get it. I've heard this tastes like goat cheese which was one of my faves. I also found these BBQ sweet potato crinkles on a Last Chance sale for $1.61! I'm not the biggest sweet potato fan, but the bag says they have a spicy kick so I figured why not! And the little rice milk chocolate bars were sixty cents!! They also had the pupusas on sale for $3.99, and usually they're six dollars a box so I couldn't resist. And lastly I got cholula hot sauce to try for the first time. Someone I follow on Instagram and YouTube always uses this and swears by it so I had to try it. Spoiler alert, it's delicious and may now be my favorite! It's not too vinegary and has a nice balance of flavor and heat!
For dinner I made potato tacos with lettuce, cilantro and avocado. Topped with the cholula. I know it's kind of a cheat because I'm supposed to be eating kitchar(which I had for breakfast) and potatoes only, but the corn tortillas aren't full of funky ingredients so I gave myself a pass. Plus, I'm trying to be flexible with myself, not super restrictive. I see lots more potato tacos in my future, these were amazing!!
Here's a rare moment when Joan is cuddling with someone. Sometimes she'll want to cuddle with me, but for the most part she's Miss Independent. I suspect Roxy kind of forced herself on Joan. Joan is kind of giving me "help me" vibes!


  1. Signs of spring are always a good thing! I'm definitely ready for it myself. I've been trying to get out and go on walks when the weather permits but it's supposed to get cold again unfortunately.

    Great looking haul! It is always fun to try new things, especially when the price is right. The potato tacos look delicious! I should definitely give that a try. I still need to get a cheesecloth so I can make my almond feta.

    Love the cuddle bugs!

    1. You must have thought that first paragraph was insane! I had a video posted, and I don't know where it went!
      I never get the Heidi Ho cheese cause it's so expensive, same for all those things so finding the sales was a real treat!
      I need cheesecloth too,, for the same reason! A little budget tip, at hardware stores you can buy paint strainer bags which are the same as cheesecloth for a lot less money. I think I'm going to pick one up today.
      Potato tacos are really delicious!!

    2. Oooh thanks for the tip!! Haha I had a feeling there was a missing video there :) Didn't think it was insane at all!

  2. Signs! Signs! Everywhere are Signs! At least they are good ones! Signs of SPRING and Signs of HEALTH :) YAY!

    1. I'm so excited for spring I can't stand it!!!

  3. Spring is a favorite season of mine. Winter wasn't too bad this year, but I am ready for warmer weather.

    1. Spring is my favorite season. It makes me feel alive and renewed! I'm ready for warmer weather too!

  4. Cholulua is pretty great! I'm also a huge fan of Louisiana Hot Sauce, but that may just be a regional product. You're always scoring the BEST deals. Great deal on that Heidi Ho cheese. It's pretty expensive typically!

    1. I've had Louisiana hot sauce and it is really great. I know I bought it in Seattle, not sure about whether it's available in SLC.
      I never buy the Heidi Ho cheese because it is so dang expensive, so this is such a treat. I can't wait to try it!


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