Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday Feelings

I'm still loving the kitchari for breakfast every morning. This batch has potatoes and spinach and is topped with both sriracha and green dragon sauce. I'm not feeling bored with it at all. It makes me feel so good that I crave it. And it gives me a lot of energy, and keeps me full for a long time. Even on days where I do a ton of walking.
I had some coconut culinary milk in the fridge that needed to be used up, so last night I made a little coconut curry with edamame, rice noodles and oven baked tofu. This was a perfect meal at the end of a dreary rainy day!
I love this picture of Joan sleeping. It's her "I am so weary" pose and it gets me every time!
And here she is poking out of the paper fort. This paper is so shredded and on it's last leg, but there's no way I can get rid of it till I find a replacement. My living room is full of paper, twist ties, hair bands, and crumpled up post it notes! It seriously takes me five minutes to pick up all the stuff to vacuum. Cat lady struggles!
Happy Friday!


  1. Ooooh, that noodle dish sounds amazing. I love anything with noodles and tofu! Also, I love that the kitties are still so into that paper!

    1. They love it so much, and it's shredded and on it's last leg, but they still love it!
      Tofu and noodles are really a magical combo!

  2. Kitties & kitchari - YAY!
    I still need to look into kitchari and soon! Might be a mini goal of mine for next week! See what kind of takes I can try on it!

    1. It's seriously become a staple in my diet. I love how it makes me feel, and it keeps you full for a long time.
      I'd love to see your twist on it!!

  3. Oooh those noodles! That looks incredible! I think I'm going to be eating some ramen for dinner tonight. It has been cold and nasty here and that would be perfect. Love the kitty pics! I love how they are entertained by paper. Can't get more cost effective toys than that!

    1. I saw your ramen on your blog! It looked really delicious and colorful!
      I know, my kitties are definitely cheap to entertain!

  4. That paper fort is the gift that keeps on giving!
    I am interested in this coconut culinary milk... is it different from the coconut milk you buy in tins?

    1. It really is! They love it so much even though it's now become so soft it's hard to make it keep it's fort shape!
      The culinary coconut milk is a bit thicker than the tinned I think. Especially the light version. Sometimes with tinned light coconut milk it's a bit watery, but the boxed version is as thick as regular. I really like it. Plus, it's easy to keep in the fridge if you don't use it all.


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