Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Learning to blog is tough!

So as I said yesterday I an a newbie at blogging and really all things tech. But I love a challenge so I am attempting to teach myself  how to blog. I feel very overwhelmed and like maybe I should give up! Reading about javascript and html and url is a little tough for me. But I really want to blog and I want to prove to myself I can do this! So this is a true test to myself. Like a lot of people I tend to run away from situations where there is a risk of feeling or looking stupid and being judged. But trying to blog isin't going to kill me right? I don't think anyone has actually died of embarrassment! I was inspired by a video I watched by eco-vegan gal about education and empowerment and it made me cry tears of I really don't know what maybe inspiration? I don't know but she inspired me to go for   it. I find her very inspiring. Anyway I want to spread the vegan message and be part of a very wonderful community! I say all of this to say if you are reading this please be patient and keep checking back I will be learning how to improve things daily!

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