Monday, May 4, 2020

Hash Brown Hack and Potato Dilema

I started my ten day mostly potato diet Friday, May first. Friday went fine, and then I woke up on Saturday feeling so depressed. I just wanted to sleep until May tenth so I could wake up and have rice and tofu. I woke up, had some juice, worked out, made some hash browns and tried to pull myself out of my funk.
Before I go on with my potato dilemma, I have to say I discovered a game changer in making homemade hash browns. I usually grate raw russet potatoes and then cook them. Yesterday, I grated some cold baked potatoes, and it made the BEST hash browns!! It takes less time to cook, and since they are dried out from the oven and fridge, they are crispier and fluffier than cooking from raw. Great use for leftover baked potatoes!
So, after having the delicious hash browns, I just couldn't stop obsessing over food. How much I didn't want to eat only potatoes, and how much I wanted to eat everything else. Between the depression and wanting to sleep away eight days, and my obsessive thoughts about food, I decided now is not the right time to be super restrictive with my diet, and pulled a package of tofu out of the freezer.
My stomach issues seem to stem from anxiety, so it seems silly to do something that causes me more anxiety.
Even though it was only two and a half days of potatoes, this meal tasted so good, I felt like it had been months!!
Since this all started, I've noticed certain foods fuel me, make me feel good and are easy on my anxious stomach. I'm going to just continue to use common sense, and listen to my body.
Potatoes also make me happy, and I certainly don't want to fall out of love with my favorite spud!


  1. Be gentle with yourself. It looks like you're well on your way already!

    1. I'm trying, it's definitely a work in progress!

  2. I am so glad to hear you were able to reassess and change the situation rather than going down a darker path, that shows real self care. Being gentle with ourselves is so important right now. <3
    Also, cook tip for the hashbrowns! I would have just assumed the cold baked potatoes would have turned to mush when I tried to grate them!

    1. They are surprisingly firm when you grate them. I was really happy!
      I did feel myself going down a darker road, and this is definitely not the time for that!

  3. I'm glad you are eating what makes you happy! <3

  4. Intuitive eating is the way to go at this time. You've definitely made a good decision.

  5. Good call!! I've gotten better at listening to my intuition around food as well, and it's crazy what I used to put myself through!! Weeks of restriction (I did no coffee and no booze once for 28 days, and I will NEVER do that again! Ha!) made me sad. Plus, you don't wanna get sick of potatoes!!! That's an excellent hash brown tip that I'll have to try!


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