Thursday, April 12, 2018

What I Ate

Yesterday I started off with some green tea and this delicious spinach, banana, frozen blueberries and pineapple smoothie. I also added a small piece of leftover avocado.
As I was cleaning I made this orange, carrot, spinach and cucumber juice. Thanks to another amazing bag of oranges from Trader Joe's this just tasted like orange juice. It's been a really good year for citrus!
These roasted red tomatoes had a two dollar off coupon which made them very cheap so I picked them up. The tomatoes are roasted with olive oil and garlic and some seasonings so they're packed full of flavor. I'm going to make a roasted tomato cauliflower Alfredo sauce tomorrow, and last night I used some of the tomatoes as a base for a pizza. I made an easy oat flour crust and topped it with some of the tomatoes, olive tapenade, lentils, garlic an crushed red pepper. So tasty!!
I also used some daiya cheddar style shreds that I have leftover from all the vegan mac and cheese I've been making recently. It would have been better to use mozzarella style but I use what I have! This was still really tasty. Much tastier than this picture!!
I have today off so I don't want to dwell on work too much but I wanted to thank everyone for the support. I have applied to a few other places, Trader Joe's and Whole Foods included. I'm super burned out an would give my left arm to be one with customer service jobs forever, but since that seems impossible at least these places pay more and have other perks that are missing from my current job. Anyway I really appreciate the support. When I get comments at night while at work it really lifts my sagging spirits.


  1. Fingers crossed you can get a job elsewhere soon!

    I don't think I saw this mentioned when you posted about making your juices, so I meant to ask... do you add any liquid to your fruit/veggies before blending for the juices? I have a few recipe for blender juices and they almost always add some water. Though when I have tried it I often find the flavour a bit too dilute then.

    1. I add a small amount of water but I always make sure to use oranges, watermelon or cucumbers so I don't have to use much.

  2. Ahhh good luck on the job hunt! I'm sending all of my positive job hunting vibes out there for you! I hope you find a new position soon. I've heard Trader Joe's is amazing to work for so I'm especially crossing my fingers for that!

    That pizza sounds incredible! I really need to get back into juicing. I'll up my greens intake tremendously if I do. My favorite combo is kale and grapes. It's so good and sweet. I'm sure adding an apple wouldn't hurt either ;) The roasted tomatoes sound amazing (and would be so delicious on some of that pizza dough with basil!) and the pizza looks incredible!

    1. Wow I need to try kale and grapes! I've never actually juiced grapes now that I think about it! I definitely need sweet with my green juice!!
      The pizza was so good!!

  3. Yay, i’m glad you’re actively looking for a new job elsewhere- you deserve something better!
    Those juices both sound fantastic, i made my favorite cucumber/half a grapefruit/pineapple with cilantro and salt version earlier today, it’s super refreshing!
    Those tomatoes were such a great find, i love discovering new flavorful ingredients like that

    1. Thank you. I hope I find something better.
      I definitely have to try your juice combo. That sounds really great. I love cilantro in juices. I bet that will be great on a hot summer day!

  4. Best of luck with your applications! I hear that Trader Joe's is the best to work at. I know the place is super busy, but I think all the good worker vibes would fuel you.
    I love looking at your pizzas. I have some BBQ sauce left over, and your pizzas always make me crave BBQ styled pizzas. I am helping a friend move, so maybe I will make a pizza that night. (gotta make pizza on moving days right?)


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