Saturday, April 7, 2018

Comfort Food and Cats

Yesterday was a cool and rainy day. The kind of day that always makes me homesick for Seattle. I never in a million years thought I would miss the cool grey days of Seattle but I do! I was feeling sentimental and blue all day and wanted spicy warm food for dinner. I made a potato and red lentil curry and I had it with some Jasmine rice.  Once again rice and lentils are not on the potato diet an once again I am okay with that. I actually think I'm done with the potato diet. I'm just not feeling it this time around. It's causing me anxiety and I don't want to feel anxiety because I'm eating some red lentils! As always potatoes will still be a huge part of my diet but I'm just not handling the restriction well.
The red lentils kind of just melt into the coconut milk and it just becomes so thick and creamy. This whole meal including the rice cost under three dollars to make and made enough for several meals. And the leftovers are always better the next day. Curry is kind of like me, it takes a while to reach it's full potential!
Joan isn't much of a cuddler, but once a day she will seek out my lap, and no isn't an option and she will have a little snooze with me. She looks so precious and angelic when she sleeps!
Spring is definitely here and that means so much squirrel and bird activity going on. I really love that my apartment is in a residential neighborhood with mostly houses instead of just blocks of apartment buildings. That means much more grass and trees which means lots of life going on outside of those windows! That tree they are staring at is ivy covered, so you can see little squirrels bopping in and out of the ivy. It's pretty cute! And it drives them insane!!
Happy Caturday!


  1. Absolutely take a break from the potatoes all the time if you want to- you don’t want to make yourself have them all the time and then be so sick of them you can’t look at a potato for a long while...
    that curry sound perfect! Once in a while a rainy grey day is ok for me, but we’re still waiting for spring here so there have been a few too many of thosr days the past couple weeks.
    Love the bird and squirrel watching entertainment!

    1. That's why I'm taking a break. I love potatoes too much to start hating them!
      We will have a day or two of spring, and then it's back to cold and rainy. Spring is definitely taking it's time!

  2. Definitely sounds like you need a break from the potato only diet if it is causing stress like that!!
    I want to visit and sit with the kitties and watch the squirrels pop in and out!!


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