Monday, April 9, 2018

Moody Monday

I made this beautiful orange carrot juice yesterday. I used some rainbow carrots and the red carrots really made this a gorgeous color!
I think I've mentioned a few hundred times that I loathe my job. It's unfortunately getting worse because there are a few coworkers who are super toxic and they are infecting everything. It's really bad, I am feeling anxiety and also it's getting harder to go there. The old me would just settle in to the misery and drink every night to try and forget until the next day. Wash rinse and repeat. I'm trying to be the new me and be proactive. One of those things is reminding myself of what I'm grateful for on my walk to work. As I was walking yesterday I came across this house that just smelled so good. It had some kind of flowering tree in front and then all these flowers had just popped up. We have been having a lot of rain so life is everywhere! This house is about a half block away from my work so I stopped and smelled the flowers and felt grateful for the flowers. And it only took ten minutes at work to wipe away all the positive mental work I had done!
I made gluten free rigatoni with some basil garlic marinara sauce and nooch for dinner last night. Quick, easy and super delicious and comforting. Noodles made me feel better than alcohol ever did anyway, and no hangover!
She's a Buddha kitty! I swear if Kanye were a human her IG page would be full of selfies in ridiculous poses! When she sees me taking pictures she is all about posing! I love how blissful she looks.
And here's Joan enjoying the last days of the heat being on. I left the heat off on Saturday night and when I woke up yesterday it was way too chilly so I turned the heat back on. Obviously Joan agreed that the place needed warming up!


  1. So sorry about your job. That blows!! I've definitely had a few jobs that were not in positive environments, and that made going in so tough. Hopefully a better opportunity comes along soon! Also pasta > hangovers for sure.

  2. I'm really sorry to hear that work is still so awful. I wish I could do something or suggest something to make it better. All I can do is send internet hugs.

  3. Those flowers really are beautiful, but I'm so sorry to hear that your job has been so draining! Your pasta looks like the perfect dinner to recover from a bad day, though! Cute Kanye and Joan!

  4. I'm so sorry that you are still struggling with your job. You have been doing a lot of work to better yourself emotionally I hate to see that suffer when you head into the toxic environment. I know you'll continue to stay strong and you are doing all of the right things. Unfortunately we can't control the actions of others, only the way we react to them and cope as a result. You are doing everything you can to get through it and I'm so proud of you!


  6. Yikes, i’m sorry to hear work is so miserable but thankfully you have the right attitude- you certainly don’t have to take on the toxic energy they give off! Please do submit resumes elsewhere- i know both trader joe’s and whole foods offer a good hourly and decent benefits for full time employees, it doesn’t need to be a forever job- just a getmethefuckouttahereNOW kind of job ;)) you deserve better!!
    That juice is gorgeous, i love the combo of carrots and orange juice too

  7. GT's 2018 Spring Bloom Kombucha. Perfect for starting a new job search!

    Elderberry, Jasmine and Violet. In a beautiful bottle with positive affirmations!

  8. Being thankful for the things we have is a good way to drive the negative thoughts away. Have a wonderful weekend. Personally, I am ready to start seeing spring- flowers, birds,warmer weather. But there is more snow in the forecast. Maybe a few more weeks of cold weather.


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