Thursday, April 5, 2018

What I Ate and Found

I started my day with some green tea and this green smoothie with spinach, frozen strawberries, maca powder and bananas.
I decided to keep on being green with some spinach, carrot, orange and ginger juice. Even though it's so green, it tasted like sweet orange juice. This seems to have been an excellent year for citrus.
I thought I had yesterday off and apparently I had looked at the schedule wrong and did in fact work. I was scheduled for a shorter extra help kind of shift an I actually got off work before midnight. As I was walking home I stopped to look at one of those neighborhood book share boxes and look what I found!! I almost walked right by it because it's usually romance and mystery novels which aren't my thing. I feel like I desperately need to read this book. I was a total grump all day because of my mistake, but if I wouldn't have been walking home last night I would have missed this book!
I was a mess when I got home from work so I took an Epsom salt bath and made some creamy horseradish mashed potatoes and vegan gravy. This is probably my number one comfort food meal. Like a hug in a bowl.
I have today and tomorrow off and I am just so grateful. It has been a tough week for me and I definitely need to recharge.
As I was rushing to get to work yesterday I had to stop and laugh and take a picture. When you don't have a pillow just use your sister's bum!


  1. I love that book!!! i do have to say though, that you may read it, love it, agree with everything in it and feel totally inspired, but still have trouble implementing the ideas in your actual life. It's not exactly a step-by-step instruction manual. But it could put you on the right path. Hope you enjoy your day off!

  2. The book is such a great find! And at the perfect time too! I hope that you love it and that it is inspiring to you. The smoothie and juice sound great and comfort food, yay! Haha kitty bum pillows!

  3. I'm glad something good came from the unexpected work shift! I hope you enjoy the book.
    The mashed potatoes look like perfect comfort food, almost as comforting as resting your head on another cat's butt. ;)


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