Sunday, October 30, 2016

Nutri Ninja and Lots More!

As I mentioned yesterday, I was gifted this Ninja blender food processor by Blake, who wrote a review for this on Amazon. I haven't owned a food processor, so this is super exciting. There were lots of little extras thrown in the box, so it was really fun opening everything up. The kitties love the Ninja box too.
Cat toys, an awesome bath bomb, smoked paprika, a beautiful vegan cookbook, chocolate, meditation book, almond soap, and Alice in Wonderland figurines
Amazing teas
The cutest tote!

This blender makes the best smoothies this side of a Vitamix. And in like thirty seconds too. In Seattle I had a Ninja which was loads better than any crappy blender I've ever had. But this makes my old Ninja look like a ninety nine cent blender! I can't wait to make a cashew Alfredo. I have so many plans!! Today I'm going to make a hummus with the food processor. I have some edamame, so I think I'll experiment with an edamame hummus.
Last night I made Tabouli and I also experimented with making chicken-less Shawarma. I used the Trader Joe's chicken-less strips which are mildly seasoned. I added some smoked paprika, garlic powder, turmeric and the tiniest dash of cinnamon to the strips and baked them in the oven till heated. I made a garlic tahini sauce for drizzling, and added some lettuce and a few jalapeno slices. This was delicious. I love lemon-y herb-y garlic-y foods! I love Tabouli so much, the more lemon the better!
As soon as I use the tahini I already have, I'm going to use my food processor and make my own tahini! It's ground sesame seeds. That's it. Sprouts sells sesame seeds in bulk, and they're pretty inexpensive so now that I have the equipment, I have no excuse. It's going to be such a money saver, and also less waste.
One more update, I actually have a therapy appointment tomorrow morning. I had kind of talked myself out of therapy, let my doubts motivate my thinking for a bit. But Thursday my name on the list came up at one of the places I called, so I took it as a sign that I should at least give it a try. I need help, and it always helps to have an open mind. It's not like I have to keep going if I don't like it, so why not try. It's been so long, it's going to be so weird. But I want to feel better, I want to work on myself and heal. So, wish me luck. I don't know if I will blog tomorrow morning because I have a long bus ride to get to my appointment, so tomorrow morning will be spent obsessively taking notes and writing directions so I don't get totally lost.
This picture cracks me up. The string is right in between the two groups. You never know when you need your string!
Happy Sunday!


  1. Good luck tomorrow. Really pleased to hear that you are giving it a try. I found it hard to go back earlier this year but it did help me and like you say if this one isn't the right fit you can look for another. It really helped me to move forward and I hope it will be the same for you. Love your gift package, what lovely things to get! Look forward to hearing about the new things you'll make with the ninja :)

    1. I am getting super nervous. More about not knowing where I;m going though. I really hope it helps me too.

  2. How do you make your tabbouli? My sister loves it, but I absolutely hate raw onions (which I think is one of the major ingredients, is it not?). But for some reason, yours looks super-yummy and the mere mention of lemon makes it sound excellent. Please divulge...what's in it??

    1. I don't think onions are usually in Tabouli, at least none that I've had. I use bulgur wheat, a whole bunch of chopped parsley, seeded and finely diced cucumber, garlic, a little EVOO and the juice of one large or two small lemons. It usually has tomatoes, but I only like in season tomatoes so I leave them out.Oh, and salt and pepper to taste. Sometimes after it's been sitting I stir in a little extra lemon juice.

  3. What an awesome gift & surprise bonus goodies! So glad to hear you've gotten an appointment; I'll be thinking good thoughts for you tomorrow! Cute silly kitties! :)

    1. I am so in love with having a food processor! Hello hummus! I am really hoping I don't get lost!

  4. Ooh, nice gift!! Let us know how the tahini turns out. I've never tried making my own. I have a Vitamix but sometimes it struggles with dry nuts and seeds - probably because I'm not using enough to fill it up enough since I'm always cooking for one.

    Good call on the therapy. Sounds like, if you got in, it may be a good sign that it's at least worth a try.

    1. I've had that same problem with blenders. So then I add a little water, and the consistency is off. I hope the tahini turns out, because that will be a big money saver!

  5. Good luck with the therapist, I hope it is a good fit for you. And that you get there no problems! xx

    Enjoy your new toy. :)

    1. Thanks! I think he is a good fit to be honest, at least so far.
      I am enjoying this toy soooooo much!!

  6. Wow!! What an awesome gift!! I have a big regular blender but i love using the ninja my sister has when i visit-especially since you can just drink from the container! I think you need to add some oil when making tahini at home to get it going in the processor- also depends how drippy you like it.
    I'm so glad you have a therapy appointment, i hope it's the right connection for you and you can get the support you need

  7. I love everything about the ninja, including drinking from the container! And the food processor is just as awesome!
    I like my tahini on the drippy side. I can't wait to try making it!
    So far I like my new therapist. He has a calming way about him which really helps me, especially because I have my doubts.

  8. Nice to hear that you like that blender. Some days I want to get a smaller single serving one because using my vitamix for everything can be a pain. Or doesn't work at all if it is for a small amount of food. I have a cheapie small food processor that sometimes work, but er... it doesn't work well, and sometimes smells like burning. o___o


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