Friday, October 21, 2016

Hauls and Life

I went to Trader Joe's and Natural Grocers the other day and got my weekly haul. Natural Grocers still had the Live Kombucha sodas on sale, and I decided to try the concord grape drinking vinegar, and I loved it! I love grape anything. If I had to drink soda it would be grape, and when I was a kid it was always grape bubble gum or bust. This drinking vinegar tasted to me like an upscale grape soda. It had that vinegar tang, but if you didn't know it was vinegar, you would just think it's an interesting grape soda. I loved it!!
spinach, mango, cilantro,green onion, English breakfast tea, green onion and chocolate raspberry baton
Rice, lite and heavy coconut milk, black beans, tomato paste, sunflower seeds and chocolate
sliced bread, olive baguette, and vegan mayo
Pineapple, tofu,bananas,celery,beets,pasta, lemons,sweet potato
Remember how I was grousing awhile ago about how expensive vegan sliced breads can be? Well, leave it to Trader Joe's. The whole grain and flax bread is vegan, not full of funky ingredients, and it's $1.99 a loaf.  And it's pretty tasty too.
Since today is the last day you can sign up for Vegan Mofo, I wanted to mention that I am sadly not signing up this year. I am wrecked about it. Last year was my first Vegan Mofo, and seriously I was so so proud to be part of something that I had enjoyed so much in the past. I love Mofo time, I have discovered so many new blogs, and it's just such a positive thing. And even though at first I wasn't thrilled with the prompt thing, in the end I enjoyed them, and I think I only skipped one or two prompts. When I first heard mofo was going to be in November, I kind of had a sinking feeling. After looking at the prompts this year, I just can't do it. We are heading into what is the hardest part of the year for me. It's family and loved ones shoved down my throat, no matter where I go. And deep down I am a mushy, sentimental softie, but this time of year makes me put on a hard shell. I have spent every Thanksgiving and Christmas alone for as long as I can remember. Even when I lived in PA., and my adoptive family lived ten minutes away, I spent the holidays alone. It was just easier, and less lonely and stressful. I've already seen a few Holiday themed ads, so I'm trying to brace myself for the onslaught. A lot of the prompts for this years Mofo are friend and family related, and I just can't do it, or try to pretend. I don't have the energy to pretend this year.
I was watching some competition type show, and the contestants had their family up in the wings cheering them on, and I thought of how my part of the wings would be empty, unless they allowed cats.
Sorry that today's post is such a downer, I just figured I'd address Mofo before it starts. And to be honest, it feels good to admit that this time of year is tough. I always go out of my way to act like it's no big deal, and it just feels good to be honest.
To cheer everything up, here is Kanye in what has become THE SPOT. They love their little kitty tent.They feel safe and covered, but they can still keep an eye on what's happening.
Happy Friday!


  1. If cats were part of the studio audience (or participants), I would TOTALLY watch that game show! True Dat on the holidays. Halloween's my jam but a stressful dinner with "loved ones" with a poor dead turkey and another holiday where you're burnt out and broke because you have to buy, buy, buy? No thanks.

    1. I know, and it seems like every year they push Christmas earlier and earlier!

  2. Hi there. It's me - the busy-body. I peeked around online and found something that might interest you. The Wasatch Presbyterian Church in SLC (I know, I know, but hear me out) holds a Vegan Thanksgiving every year and proceeds go to the Ching Farm Sanctuary. This year, the dinner is on November 12. If you want to participate you can call Faith at 801-637-5477. The links below are for last year's dinner and the Ching Farm Sanctuary site. Sounds like the perfect opportunity to enjoy the holiday with like-minded, compassionate folks.

  3. Found the link to this year's event:

  4. I'm sorry to hear you won't be doing MoFo this year, but it's good that you know your limits & respect them; that's a part of self-care, too! I had a tough time deciding what to do for some of the prompts, and of course they say you don't have to do them, but I still feel like I have to. I kinda miss the prompt-less MoFos haha!

    1. I feel the same way, last year I missed like one or two of the prompts and it kind of bugged me.
      Last year was my first year, and also the first year they did prompts, what are the odds!!

  5. Okay, now I'm being a real pushy pain in the ass, but that Vegan Feast is only 2.5 miles away from your apartment! You really ought to go. It's sound completely excellent.

  6. If you want to sign up for MoFo then do it!! Those prompts and such are certainly not a requirement, you can follow some or none at all.
    The holidays are really hard for a lot of people for soooo many reasons. I think it is what you make it- take the opportunity to treat yourself to an elaborate home made meal and doing what you enjoy for the day!
    Blake is right, you totally have to go to the vegan thanksgiving that is so close to you! And bring lots of your dog walker cards :))

  7. Even with the best mindset, VeganMoFo can be a challenge. I am doing it this year, but I have had to plan for ages and I am already writing posts for it (especially as I will be away for several days in November). So take care of yourself. xx

  8. I didn't sign up for Mofo last year but then decided to do it unofficially at the last minute. I have signed up this year but I'm pretty sure I wont manage all of the prompts! I hope you will still be reading along as you are such a great supporter of other
    bloggers which we all really appreciate. I can see how November and December are challenging times for you. We don't have thanksgiving but Christmas is a hard time for me as my dad died suddenly in December 13 years ago and I've frankly hated that time of the year since. In the last few years I've tried to get some joy back by creating a few new traditions for myself. I have a day when I make lovely drinks and snacks and choose some special films or shows to watch without interruption and I also do some fundraising for an animal charity. That way I'm getting some pleasure associated from the season on my terms not on what the media and corporate companies insist it should be.

  9. I didn't even know Vegan Mofo was happening this year! Where have I been? Living under a rock? Well, I'm still going to follow the prompts and participate unofficially. :)
    Your haul looks splendid. Dried mangoes are delicious. My Trader Joe's is always out of both lite and regular coconut milk. I was already envisioning a yummy thick coconut soup with jasmine rice and black beans with some of your ingredients. Wondering what you have planned.... :)

    1. When I lived in Seattle, the Trader Joe's there was always out of coconut milk too! I'm glad that the store here always has it, because they really do have the best price!

  10. I wish I read this post earlier! I went to Trader Joe's and missed out on the bread! Ack! I'll get it next time. Wegman's, my normal grocery store, puts honey in their bread, and I don't really eat it, and my husband doesn't mind honey (we're in different stages of veganism). They started to make non-honey whole wheat bread, BUT CHARGE $5 a loaf! It is so tasty too! I've snagged a few $1 off coupons, or free loaves of bread but it makes me super crabby >____<

    1. That's what drives me so insane about WW bread! It either has honey, or a bunch of terrifying ingredients. One of their ww breads does have honey, but the whole grain and flax is safe, and cheap. And it's tasty to boot!


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