Sunday, October 2, 2016

Laughs, Pizza and Cats

I know it isn't vegan related, and it is SNL, but I saw this on YouTube this morning and it cracked me up. I definitely needed a laugh, and had to share. I can't remember the last time I watched SNL, but they have a YouTube channel and it allows you to just watch clips, so I enjoy that.  Anyway, Alec Baldwin is apparently going to be the permanent Donald Trump for this season, and judging by this clip they made a wise choice. He perfectly captured the ignorant buffoonery that is Donald Trump.And I am in love with Kate Mckinnon. She is one of the funniest people on the planet, and does a great Hillary. We have to sometimes have a laugh at the situation, because otherwise it's so depressing. It's worth a watch if you have a few minutes for a laugh.

I watched a Hot for Food video awhile ago, and they made this cashew cheese sauce that looked so dreamy. The secret was tapioca starch. I've used cornstarch, arrowroot, and agar agar to make cheeses and sauce, but never tapioca starch. I found tapioca starch at Smith's in bulk, so I got a little to try. I made a cashew cheese sauce, and added like a tablespoon of the starch and heated it up after blending. It thickened up super quick, and made it melt-y and almost stretchy. So this pie is topped with marinara, homemade cashew cheese, kale, tons of garlic, and Kalamata olives. So delicious. I'm loving pizzas topped with greens and garlic and olives if you haven't noticed! It's just such a flavorful trio, and they love each other so much.
Etta has been very generous with her belly lately. She loves to sleep on her back, and I fail a lot of the time in trying to be considerate and not bothersome while she's sleeping. This is her "again??" look!
Look at how innocent she looks!
And this one. Afro has always had an alter ego that I call Brutus. Brutus only appears once in awhile, but when she comes, she really makes an appearance. I always know Brutus is here when I have to rescue someone. She plays way too rough for anyone's liking. Well, the other day Brutus was running amok and jumped onto the windowsill in the living room so hard that she popped the screen out! It fell all the way down to the ground!! Thank gourd she didn't fall too! And of course I can't properly pop the screen back in. There must be some kind of trick, and I don't know it. So file that under springtime problems! Luckily Brutus comes and goes, kind of like a flash flood.
Happy Sunday!


  1. I agree, I think it's so important to try to seek out a bit of humour. I also try to have a silly moment at least once a day. Wondered if you had seen the clip of the cats and dogs reacting to Donald Trump on the tv. It's been doing the rounds on Facebook. It's here on You Tube.
    Love the picture of beautiful Etta and angelic Afro - you would never guess at her alto ego Brutus from that photo! Your pizza looks amazing and I'm interested in the use of tapicoa starch in cashew cheese. I have some as I use it in my gluten free baking from my Babycakes books in the flour mixes. I will have to investigate further! x

    1. The picture is definitely Afro and not Brutus!
      I liked the texture of my cashew cheese much better with the tapioca starch than when I've used corn starch. I used like a tablespoon for about one cup of cashew cheese/sauce.

  2. Yay for kitty pics! They are too cute <3 I love both Hot for Food and Lauren Toyota's personal channel. She is so down to earth and she makes me laugh. I still need to try their cauliflower buffalo wing recipe.

    1. I know, they did that video where they did the wings three ways, and I want to try them all. She is someone that you just want to hang out with. I love her so much!

  3. Etta has magnificent floof! And look at Afro/s sweet little face... I cannot believe she would be responsible for any naughtiness. ;)
    Unfortunately the video won't play for me because I am in Australia, stupid international barriers, but I will try and find it somewhere else on line!

    1. Etta has the best floof which I'm sure is super annoying for her sometimes. I keep looking at Afro's sweet face and thinking the same thing, but Brutus is so bad!
      I hope you can find the video, it really is hilarious!!

  4. The cashew cheese sauce sounds great! Such beautiful photos of Etta and Afro!

    1. I'm going to try and make a firmer cashew cheese with the tapioca starch. Aren't they the cutest?


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