Saturday, October 8, 2016

Not Getting Lost is So Fetch!

I found it! I looked up directions this time. There's a little bus icon I can hit, and it tells me what bus to take, and where to get off. Now, the problem is when I ask the bus driver to call out whatever street I need, and he/she tells me an alternate way than what I have written down. I've learned to stick with my own way for now. I'm like a little kid when I go somewhere, I have the address of where I'm going, how to get there and how to get back. I also have my address written down in case I am having a breakdown and can't speak.
They had these seasonal booch flavors separate from the other kombuchas. Pumpkin spice booch sounds not very appealing to me, but then again we all know I'm a bit if a scrooge when it comes to holiday things.
I love the gold tones of these trees changing colors. Although I am dreading winter, I am working on appreciating the beauty of fall. I don't want to miss what fall has to offer because I'm in a state over the upcoming winter. I'm terrified it's going to be like winters in Erie. But these leaves sure are pretty.
This beautiful old house looks like someone might be fixing it up. There are so many really big old mansions like this around the downtown areas, like on the side streets. As I've said before, I have seen some of the most charming houses, and also grand houses like this here in SLC. I think next week I'm going to explore a little more, and check out other beautiful houses. I think when people visit new cities, they miss a lot of free sights because they're so focused on doing the tourist thing, which usually means money. But just taking a walk and opening your eyes you can learn so much more about a city, for free. Anyway, I'm sure I'll get some pictures of even more beautiful buildings. It's so beautiful. It kind of reminds me of a house I lived in when I was a kid, but our house was way in the country. Anyway, isn't it beautiful?
Frozen fries, strawberries(one dollar) baking soda, bulk sesame seeds, Justin's peanut butter packs, and habenero black bean crisps, and potato sticks,

As you can see, the produce sale was kind of a bust. I thought Sprouts only sold organic produce, so the sale for things being one dollar seemed so amazing. But none of the super sale produce was organic. The grapes that were on sale were not really the greatest quality. There was actually a line of people waiting to try and sort through the bin of grapes to find a good bag. I normally don't buy non organic strawberries because they're on the dirt dozen, but they smelled so good(weird as it is not the season) and that was the whole reason I was there!! So, I bought three containers, and I soaked them in a baking soda bath to clean them.
I got sesame seeds because I want to try and make my own tahini! That would be such a money saver!
As I was walking down the street to catch the bus, I came across Natural Grocers. Something told me to go in and check out their clearance section, and I love that little voice so much! I found some sales on par with Grocery Outlet which I miss dearly.
Crackers, FYH shreds and slices, teecino,wildwood veggie burgers, little secrets, and fizzy vitamin c.

Natural Grocers has several little stations throughout the store where they have their deeply discounted items. I have always loved wildwood's vegan burgers, even when I was a vegetarian. They're one of my faves, but I just hate that they're so expensive. Like over five or six dollars for two burgers. Natural grocers had these on sale for $1.69 a package! And the crackers were on clearance, and they had an in store sale with FYH cheeses on sale two for five!!! I had to, that is a rare and elusive sale!
I had some frustrating phone calls to make yesterday and just couldn't be bothered to cook last night, so I heated up some of those taquitos I was scared of. The vegan chorizo was not like the greasy oily kind that I've tried in the past. It was more like meatless crumbles with a kick. I made a quick chunky guacamole and called them dinner.
I wnt to thank everyone for the support on yesterday's post about my depression. I was crying as I was strolling through Natural Grocers yesterday. Someone offered me a tissue. I mean, at this point I'm going to start getting a reputation as the unhinged one. I had to deal with other issues yesterday, but this weekend I'm going to see what my options are for low cost therapy in my area so I have numbers to call on Monday.
Here's to a happy Caturday, and I hope everyone has some time to relax and feel good the way Roxy does!!


  1. I'm envious of your sale items. Most of the smaller health food stores in my area have gone out of business (weird, since I live in a fairly affluent part of the country) so my only nearby option for my vegan "staples" is Whole Foods. And they're ridiculously expensive (as I'm sure you know). Even when the three indie-owned healthfood stores were still open, they pretty much never ran any decent sales.

    Oh, and BTW, tried out the Ninja today. I think you're going to really like it. Probably perfect for tahini making. I plan on getting it in the mail to you sometime next week.

    1. That is weird that they would go out of businesses, especially in more affluent areas. That's usually where they thrive! I know Whole Foods can have some good deal sometimes, but in general they earned the nickname Whole Paycheck!
      I am so excited, I have never had a food processor in my whole life!!! Pesto, tahini, hummus, falafel!!!!!!

  2. Yay, I am so glad you made it there!

  3. I love those little voices. I call it psychic shopping. I had a voice telling me to go in a charity shop the other day that I've never found anything in that I want to buy in the past and lo and behold there were two fantastic recently published vegan cookery books for a total of £3! I am really enjoying seeing pictures of the amazing houses you come across so more exploring would be great.

    1. That's so great about the cookbooks! Books can be so expensive, especially cookbooks. Books are one of the first things I look for on a thrift shop. I hope to find some more cool old houses this week!


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