Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wake Up and Smell the Breakfast!

Vegan Mofo is here, and I can hardly believe I'm participating! I think it's such a wonderful way to positively promote veganism. I've decided to do my best with the prompts, there are a few that I feel I might not be able to do, and I was getting stressed out, but I realized that it's missing the point if I'm letting this cause me stress. I want to fully enjoy this experience, and so I will mostly follow the prompts, and the days that the prompts are not doable for me, I will just do a different theme or prompt. I don't think the Mofo police will site me! Ha ha. So, today's prompt is .....Breakfast! Or, what are you having for breakfast today. Since my routine is wake-up, blog, workout, and then breakfast, I will show what I had yesterday, and will probably have today. Pudla, or chickpea crepes. So simple to make, chickpea flour, water, seasoning, and whatever vegetables you like/need to be used up.
Avocado makes everything better!
This pudla is seasoned with salt, pepper, and cumin, and has green onions in the batter. I like to have mine with plenty of hot sauce, and a side of creamy avocado. It takes under ten minutes to make, and is a really filling way to start your day.
Lentil soup is another favorite of mine for breakfast. As you can probably tell, I'm not into a sweet breakfast, and I actually don't like to have traditional breakfast foods for breakfast. I would much rather have a tofu scramble for lunch or dinner. Red lentils are perfect for making soup for breakfast, as they are so quick cooking. Miso soup is also a favorite of mine. Miso really gives me a nice zip of energy.
So pretty!
I also have a feeling I will be drinking lots of carrot, orange and ginger juices in the upcoming months for an energy boost. It's been typical Seattle grey and misty for several days now,  and I am feeling the blahs for sure! I always feel like this juice combo gives me a real lift.
Do you eat breakfast as soon as you wake up, or do you fiddle around a little first?


  1. That is quite an exotic breakfast. I dont think I could eat something like that first thing in the morning. Looking forward to your MoFoing!

  2. I've seen a lot of people turn the chickpea flour batter into beautiful looking omelettes. I don't have that talent, so I stick with the pancake looking version!

  3. Happy Vegan MoFo! It's my first time participating this year too. I love having savoury breakfasts too, your pudla and lentil soup look really tasty, I would definitely eat those for breakfast! I used to HAVE to have breakfast first thing, but now I exercise and "fiddle around" before breakfast, so I don't end up eating until hours after I wake up.

    1. Isn't it exciting! I look forward to checking out your Mofo! I like yo fiddle around first too!

  4. Happy MoFo! I'm with you - avocado makes EVERYTHING better!

    1. Avocado makes LIFE better! Just knowing that they are there for the picking!!

  5. Great plate! And that juice!!!!! OMG LOVE the color!

  6. Thanks! Me too it always cheers me up!

  7. Happy MoFo! It's my first time participating too, and it's a bit overwhelming trying to think of material for 30 days, but I'm enjoying discovering all these new blogs. Your breakfast looks like a great start to the day!

  8. Happy Mofo! Some of the prompts are hard. I'm just trying to follow as much as I can. I'm glad I discovered your blog! Discovering new blogs is one of my favorite parts of Vegan Mofo every year!

  9. I stumble from bed directly to the espresso maker! The days i go to the gym i have breakfast afterwards but if I don't go to the gym i wait to eat til after i'm all showered and dressed- although on hectic mornings that i'm running late that could mean a clif bar on the subway...!
    That orange juice combo sounds so perky and tropical!

  10. That sounds like me. I definitely go for a boost as soon as I wake up! The juice always gives me a perk too. I think it's the bright color, the ginger and the vitamin c!


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