Monday, September 21, 2015

Is That You Wilson?

Today's Mofo prompt is another toughie for me. What three endless food supplies would you take if you were stranded on an island? Your nutritional needs are already met, so this is just stuff you love.
Although nothing makes me happier than thinking about living on a beautiful sunny island, it's the stranded part that just rattles me. I'm pretty sure it would be a disaster if I were stranded. Also, I am way too much of a commitment-phobe to only choose three things! I can't imagine for the rest of my life having only three things to eat! And also, I need to know how my nutritional needs are being met. Am I on an island full of pineapple, Ataulfo mangoes, and avocados? A girl needs to know these things before being imaginary stranded on an island!
I would have to say my first choice for stranded food would be my all time favorite food, Chao slices! I am not one to eat the same thing over and over, but I think I could eat chao daily for the rest of my life and never get sick of it! I also feel like I would need some kind of crunchy, salty snack. No matter how healthy I try to eat, I find it painful to live a life without salty and crunchy!
I love these pea crisps. They are my number one favorite thing to munch when I am reading. I figure I will be doing a lot of reading stuck on an island and all! And I have loved sesame sticks ever since I can remember! These are really great on their own or added to a big green salad.
My next choice would have to be my favorite frozen pizza ever.
I'm really trying to think of things that I LOVE so I have a better chance of not getting too bored.
Just like needing salty and crunchy, I feel a deep need for chocolate in my life. I need a few squares every night to help my day feel complete, and to help me wind down!
I found this bar at the grocery near my apartment, and it is AMAZING! It has pieces of toffee and pretzels in it.  A little salty, a little sweet, perfect!
 I've already mentioned four things! I don't want to cancel anything. It already feels so limited! See, I'm not a good person to imagine being stranded! I'm that annoying person at a restaurant who cannot for the life make a decision!
I assume that since this is my fantasy strandation, I would have unlimited Yerba Mate to drink in the morning, but I would have to have another variety for different moods, or when  I need an extra jolt of caffeine. I discovered this tea at Target, it was a total impulse buy as I was only there to get litter, but it is so amazing!
I don't usually go crazy over pumpkin everything in the fall, but for whatever reason this sounded so good to me. I can't say it tastes like pumpkin pie, but it sure does taste like Chai with a little something extra! I like it with some vanilla sugar and a splash of plant milk! I feel like I would want something pumpkin flavored on an island, to remind me of a time when I wore sweaters.
I am having so much Mofoing fun participating in Mofo this year. I almost talked myself out of doing it for some dumb, insecure reason. It's funny how fear can really try to take so much from you. Anyway, it's been so amazing, and as usual it's so fun to discover new to me blogs, and make connections that I hope continue long after the month of September!
Caught in the act!

I mentioned awhile ago that two of my felines love to chew on the tops of pineapples! Well, yesterday Kanye  was stone cold busted!
Happy Monday!


  1. I thought about a pizza but I thought we could make those out of all the nutritionally met ingredients we had at our disposal LOL

    Yup! This was a tough one indeed! Your picks were awesome, tho!

  2. Your right about the homemade pizza! I just am the absolute worst at decisions like this!

    1. I could totally see grabbing your favorite one because no matter how hard we try we can't seem to duplicate it! So I totally hear ya there!

  3. Ooh good choices. I would be happy with all of those. We buy these garlicky sesame sticks sometimes from an Indian place and they are the most moreish thing ever! I love the sound of that chocolate and the chai tea. Really glad you decided to do Mofo and that I've discovered your blog.

  4. I love the garlic sesame sticks! The Co-op I used to go to had cajun sesame sticks in the bulk bins and I could not get enough! The chocolate is one of my favorites! It's hard to find toffee type of things that are vegan! I'm so glad for both too!!

    1. The Co-Op??? The one in Erie? They have garlic sesame sticks!? If this is the have I missed this!?

    2. Yes, they have garlic, and also Cajun which are both TO DIE FOR!

  5. The pumpkin spice chai sounds pretty good; I love the "caught in the act" photo, hahaha! :D

    1. I've never had Tazo tea before, I really like this flavor! She was busted!

  6. Chocolate is an excellent choice for one of the items. Hadnt thought of that one.

  7. What will you put the cheese on? Oh, the pizza! Nevermind. Good call on those sesame sticks, those are good stuff.

  8. I would probably eat most of the cheese right out of the package, because I am obsessed with being able to eat vegan cheese cold!


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