Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Road Tripping!

Today's Mofo prompt is what would you bring on a vegan road trip? I love road trips, it's my favorite way to travel. When I moved to Seattle the first time, I moved via greyhound! Three and a half days on a bus. The few times I visited family, I also traveled via greyhound. I love making connections with people in that short time, and seeing all types of towns and cities you would normally just fly over. I've had some really interesting conversations on the greyhound! The downside is you have to eat wherever the bus stops, and sometimes you hit vegan hostile territory. I remember one trip the bus stopped at a rest stop type place with several fast food restaurants. One was a burrito/taco type place, so I though I had hit the jackpot! When I asked if the beans were vegan, the cashier looked at me and said "A what". I wish I were making this up, but I am not. I did get a vegan burrito, after about ten minutes of asking, and explaining. The end result was some beans and iceberg lettuce wrapped in a somewhat stale tasting burrito. But I was so hungry that I remember in that moment it was better than Chipotle!
It's hard to bring a lot of food on a greyhound because it can get pretty crowded in there. The next time I take a greyhound trip, I will make sure to pack small things like trail mix, nuts, crackers and hummus, just things that aren't too bulky, but will also tide you over.
This last time I moved to Seattle, I did travel by car, and for the first part of the trip I packed some tofurky and Chao cheese sandwiches. I also find that even tiny little grocery stores in tiny little towns have hummus and bread. It's a good thing that hummus has become so popular.
Also, if you have a cooler you can make burritos, and wraps which are pretty easy to eat while driving, or or being a passenger.
I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of Mofo! I feel so sad, it's been a really awesome experience, and I already can't wait for next year!
I'm hoping I will still have this laptop for tomorrow! You have to take things one day at a time in these situations.
Hopefully I will learn some more great road trip suggestions. I always can use a little help when it comes to my planning and organizational abilities!
Thanks for the kind comments on yesterday's post. One of the hardest things about feeling so low is admitting that you are down there! But it really helps when people say kind and supportive things. It means the world to me. Between the comments, and the extra love I'm getting from my fur babies, I might stay sane through all of this.


  1. I've been eagerly awaiting your post for hours - seriously!!! Sorry if that sounds creepy! LOL I can't believe I forgot to include HUMMUS in my post! Silly me! I enjoyed your take on this post and how you mentioned the bus trip and having to stop where ever they stop! It's soooo true! I'm very sad about tomorrow being the last day too! I was thinking about seeing if a few of us want to keep a few things going maybe once a week or something.

  2. That doesn't sound creepy! They stop at some crazy places on the greyhound. I don't want Mofo to end, and I am definitely on board for some ongoing Mofo type of thing!

  3. I love coach travel. I've done quite a bit in Europe and also in the states on the Greyhound a long time ago. I totally agree with you that it's the best way to see a place. I also like that feeling of being between destinations. It makes me relax somehow. I think it's because you can't do anything about any worries you have til you get there or maybe I feel like I'm escaping, I don't know lol! One thing I always pack is an inflatable neck pillow and earplugs for those overnight journeys. Luckily I'm a bit like a cat and can sleep anywhere!

  4. That's how I feel. I love that someone else is doing the driving, and I just find it really relaxing! The neck pillow is something I will remember the next time, because that really is an issue. But I'm also like yo, I can kind of sleep anywhere.

  5. Oh wow that is too funny about the vegan burrito! The Tofurky and Chao cheese sandwiches sound great for a road trip! :D

  6. I know! I've heard many jokes and rude comments about being a vegan, but I never had experienced that before!

  7. We always have hummus, if all other snack options fail! I'm glad you got the burrito in the end. I travelled by Greyhound almost 10 years ago when I was in America, and I found it...interesting. There was some sexual harrassment (verbal, not physical, but still), and some people who kept up running conversations with themselves. On the more amusing side of the scale was a couple who asked me the time and picked up on my English accent, so they proceeded to ask me for regular time updates just so that they could enjoy my pronunciation of "quarter".

  8. That is so funny! I've definitely had some weird greyhound experiences too, and sometimes being a female can be difficult, especially if your alone!

  9. I don't travel much by bus but flying or by train with some frequency.
    I'm a serious snack packer! Too many times i've either gone hungry or been grumpy about the choices i had. Favorites to bring include: instant oatmeal packets and those vegan instant cup soup noodles, just get hot water from anywhere selling tea; dry roasted edamame, individual peanut butter packets and an apple and crackers to go with, a few clif bars and clif builder bars, primal vegan jerky, and a ziplock baggie of vanilla protein powder. In a few situations i was overseas and my only choice for dinner was a plate of green leaves- which made me glad i had a clif bar in the hotel room! Or that 8hr unexpected layover....

  10. The instant noodles are a great idea. And I love the primal jerky. I like the softer jerky's over the ones that are super tough and chewy.I hope one day soon vegan eating will be much more he norm, and we won't be stuck eating whatever we can scavenge!


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