Tuesday, September 22, 2015

So Fresh and So Cheap Cheap!

Today's Mofo prompt is to make a dish using all seasonal produce. Do you ever have those days where you desperately crave something very simple? Last night was one of those days for me. So, I had some roasted russet, and sweet potatoes with a simple salad of sweet peppers and Persian cucumbers.  I made a spicy aioli sauce for dipping with Just Mayo, red curry powder, and a little sriracha sauce.
Simple, cheap, healthy and delicious! 
I also sprinkled some hempseeds on my salad, just to live on the edge This dinner really hit the spot. Ever since I started eating a higher starch diet, I've come to realize how satisfying and delicious potatoes are. Who ever relegated them to a side dish was insane I tell you! I'm starting to see pumpkins, and Halloween candy at stores, and to be honest I don't like it. I just don't like winter, and I can't fully enjoy fall, because I know what's coming next, and I dread it! But I do like the food, so there's that. Eating local and seasonal has become so trendy that I almost can't stand to hear either word, but it is true that it's the cheapest way to eat. Right now groceries I've been to are almost giving away melons and cucumbers!
This is off topic, but Trader Joe's has these dried mandarin sections, and they are to die for. Picture the sweetest satsuma section, and then picture it dehydrated, so it's chewy and extra sweet! These really blew my mind, and are great for a sweet tooth!
Although it's early for oranges, this juice did have some beautiful purple carrots, and made a really beautiful juice. And carrots are practically being given away now too!
Today I leave you with more silly pictures of Chunk. He likes to play in the bathtub, and any time I go to shower, or clean the tub, I have to remove at least two or three toys from the tub. The bathroon is right next to my bedroom, and there have been nights he has been playing so hard in there he wakes me up! So silly!

He's been in the tub at this point for well over an hour. Having a blast with a kombucha ring and an old hair tie!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Awww cute cat pics! How many cats do you have total? Those purple carrots - I sooo want some! And that dish you made looks great! LOVE what you did with the sauce, too, totally sounds like me when I am trying to come up with a dipping sauce and don't want to get too involved! LOL. YUM! Sounds like we had similar thoughts on the potato dishes, too! AND...those cute little mandarins OMG! Right up my alley, too!

  2. I've been seeing a lot of purple, and red and yellow carrots recently. They must be getting more popular. They are just so pretty! I've been experimenting with curry mayo sauces, and I want to try to make a vegan curried no chicken salad soon.
    I have seven cats if you can believe it! I took in a stray, who was pregnant, and I just fell in love with everyone, and I accidentally became a crazy cat lady!

    1. Yes! I love the different colors of carrots! They seem sweeter than the regular orange ones most times. I'd love to see your curry mayo! Awwwwww regarding the 7 cats! I don't think that is crazy at all! I had 3 dogs and 2 cats at one point. Right now I have 3 dogs and a cat. I would love another cat tho...but the cat we have is feral and I'm afraid to bring another cat into the mix right now.

    2. I agree about the carrots. And they are just so pretty! I've had feral cats before, it's hard to make them part of the family, and you never know how they will react to other cats!

    3. Charlie (our feral cat) was the first furkid hubby and I had - we were dating at the time - so it's been like 14 or 15 years??? We did have Gabby during that time and he was ok with her but I don't know about many others.

    4. Charlie (our feral cat) was the first furkid hubby and I had - we were dating at the time - so it's been like 14 or 15 years??? We did have Gabby during that time and he was ok with her but I don't know about many others.

    5. That's so sweet! I have taken in a few feral cats in my time, I guess Stevie was/is feral, but she's also pretty domesticated too! Does Charlie live inside?

  3. Your dinner looks so filling & colorful! Awww, Chunk is adorable; it sounds like he has lots of energy, haha! :)

  4. He really does! He just wants to play and then play some more!

  5. I will add Dried Mandarin Orange Segments to the list of things I must have the Mr. send me down once he returns to Virginia. Thanks for the heads up.

  6. You will looooove them! They are even better than the dried jackfruit!

  7. The cat in the tub is so funny! I know what you mean about just wanting simple food sometimes. My evening meal has just been a green smoothie!

  8. Ha, I've been there. Sometimes simple is I guess what our bodies need!

  9. Potatoes are good eats! In the winter i like a big baked sweet potato with black beans or beany chili on top. And i love those rainbow carrots, i swear they taste better! Those trader joe oranges are SO good, they're the perfect chewy texture too. I also get the candied ginger there to have for a something after dinner.
    Chunk is too cute!!

  10. I think sweet potatoes and black beans were made for each other. This is my first time trying the oranges, I love them they are so sweet and you're right, the texture is perfect!


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