Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Time To Really Think

 I've been really hating my blog posts recently. I started this blog as an outlet to express myself. People in my life didn't give any shits about veganism, or animal rights or anything. Blogging has always been something I enjoyed, a very positive outlet for me. Especially as I was walking away from so many unhealthy outlets like drinking and smoking. 

Lately I just haven't felt like I can express myself here. Mainly because I am extremely unhappy, some of it is my depression which is just always there, but some of it is real unhappiness with my life. I'm miserable in Utah. I miss Seattle so much, but more than that I'm just not happy here. I feel stuck and hopeless and I just don't have the energy to come on here and be inauthentic. But I also don't want this blog to turn into Days of Our Depression or anything like that. So, I'm just kind of stuck. 

I'm also in a rut in the kitchen. My hauls are all the same no matter where I shop because I've been sticking to simple foods. I haven't had a huge appetite or desire for trying new recipes. And I've pretty much given up on trying new vegan foods. Each one is more expensive than the last and I can't do it. My rent has been raised twice in the past year and I'm not making more money so the newest vegan whatever isn't even on my radar. 

I don't know how long I'll be gone. Maybe something amazing will happen tomorrow and I'll be zapped back to life. Since life is unfortunately not like a feel good movie I doubt that will happen. But either way I'll be back either when I feel better or if I decide blogging isn't for me I'll be back to say goodbye.

I've been out of the blog world for awhile. I just feel bad seeing things I can't afford, or recipes I wish I could feel like making. But I'll shake it off and be back. How can I expect to feel inspired if I don't peruse things to inspire me? 

See you guys in the future.


  1. Dear Hillary,
    Thank you for taking the time to write all your blogs!
    I am probably old enough to be your mom (I'm 69!) and I have been vegan now for 30 years. I have also had a lot of personal challenges so I really feel for you. Counseling, social support, prayer, and helping others gets me through it. You are very sweet and insightful. I just finished reading this current blog post from Cheryl at Like you she is very kind and caring. She never fails to uplift me. I like the picture in this post which symbolizes life for many of us!!

  2. I just want to say - I enjoy your posts. I hope you are feeling better soon. Take care of yourself, and I hope to see more posts soon. :)

  3. Hilary I am so sorry that you are struggling and completely agree that you should suspend things that aren't contributing to your well being. Please know that you are dearly cherished and your blog followers only want what is best for you. I do hope that something amazing happens soon for you - but not so that you will come back to blogging but rather that you will be in a better place. Take care of yourself.

  4. Hilary,
    I wish you all the best and hope that things will work out for you. Your blogs are very enjoyable and helpful especially for vegans on the budget like myself. I can relate to what you going through having dealt and still dealing with similar problems. Anyway I am sure that you will figure out what is best for you. I will miss your blogs very much if you decide to quit but understand that you might want to take a break. Best wishes.

  5. Sending you lots of love. I hope to see still you over on Instagram? I care about you and what is going on in your life. <3

  6. I've loved reading every blog post of yours for years now. You should absolutely take time away when you need but please know there's people out here rooting for your happiness.

  7. The things you do in your leisure time should never become an unpleasant chore. You already have one job, so no point in inflicting a second [unnecessary] one on yourself. Try to relax and feel better. Please know that all your "followers" (LOL) are out here thinking about you and wishing you all the best.

  8. Just dropping by to say that I hope your hiatus is helpful. These are hard times, and I hope you're taking care of yourself.

  9. Ahhh, we'll miss you! I'm just catching up on this post! But so glad you're taking the time you need. That totally makes sense, and we'll be here when you get back. :-) I hope to still see you around on IG!!

  10. Hope you are well, and that things are looking up for you. Miss your posts. Take care.

  11. Hi there! I totally understand the blog break! I just realized that my blog break was 2 years WOWZA! I'm trying to get back into it and thought it would be best to just start from scratch. My new blog is if you want to swing by! I'm so glad that we are also friends on instagram because I really LOVE your posts! ~ Jennifer

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  12. Just stopping by to say HI again! Miss you and your blog posts!!!!


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