Sunday, November 4, 2018

Week Three

Today starts week three of my elimination diet in which I am avoiding gluten, sugar, soy and goitrogen vegetables which include broccoli, cabbage, kale and spinach. I can have those veggies, just cooked. I cringe saying elimination diet, it makes me feel neurotic but it is what I'm doing. I've had ups and downs, and I am missing tofu and I all of a sudden want everything processed when I normally don't even eat a lot of processed food.
In addition to changing my diet a little I'm also trying to meditate everyday, do yoga three to four times a week and up my cardio workouts. It takes people with hypothyroidism longer to burn calories. I'm also adding Brazil nuts to my diet for selenium, and taking a multi vitamin with lots of good stuff in it.
I took pictures of everything I ate and drank yesterday so I figured I'd show it. It's pretty typical. For exercise I did yoga and walked to and from Winco which is over three miles. I didn't meditate because I'm struggling with meditation which means I need to push myself harder to do it. UUGGHH.
Before yoga and after the long walk I had a Fuji apple with some peanut butter. One of the best combos ever.I know everyone loves honeycrisp and other pricier apples but Fuji have always been my favorite.
I had an orange, carrot ginger juice before cleaning to get that little burst of energy. It definitely worked!
one to two a day!
I can't get enough!!!

Waiting for my home brew to be ready so I've been enjoying Brew Dr. This is a flavor I haven't tried, and like all the rest I absolutely love it!
For dinner I made a cheese-y potato broccoli soup. I made it creamy with blended white beans, potato and carrot. I also added a little rice because why not! I loved that this was thick and creamy and rich but had no nuts or cream in it. I had it with one of my BFree gluten free dinner rolls I scored awhile ago for $.99. This was a delicious cozy meal.
My biggest accomplishment of the day. I made this peanut butter fudge that is very low sugar. Thanks Ttrockwood for the suggestion! I just used the darkest chocolate I could find with very little sugar, (the kind I normally wouldn't buy) and melted it with some coconut oil and peanut butter. I added a little maple syrup for sweetness. Since I've been avoiding sugar this is very rich and sweet. A tiny square of this satisfies my sweet tooth.
Have a cozy Sunday!


  1. Personally, I'm a McIntosh girl. Although Honeycrisp, Fuji, Pink Lady and Granny Smith are all good. The only apples I really loathe are Red and Golden Delicious. Mealy. Yuck.

    That fudge looks out of this world. I could never make a tray of that unless I was bringing to a party or something. Because if that was sitting in my kitchen, I'd end up eating it all in one go. I have utterly no impulse control.

    1. I can't stand a mealy apple!! Red delicious apples are always mealy!!
      Since I haven't been eating sugar the fudge actually tastes really sweet and rich so it doesn't take much to satisfy my sweet tooth.

  2. If you like minty with a lemon twist, consider evaluating Brew Dr.'s Mint Lemonade? :)

    1. I haven't seen that flavor yet, but it sounds delicious!!

  3. I'm partly with Blake. Nearly all apples are fantastic. But to me McIntosh apples are mealy, too, so...anyway. Any apple that is good and crisp--the crispier the better--is great. The most affordable of this lot are usually Gala or Empire apples around here. And maybe I'm just weird but apples are one of the fruits (along with all melons) that I think are improved with a bit of salt.

    I'm sorry your dietary changes are a struggle. I guess all dietary changes are like that. The thing about cravings is that generally, unless caused by lack of a nutrient, they do fade. I used to get intense cravings for beef before I started taking a multivitamin. I suspect it was the iron.

    1. I just got an Empire apple at Trader Joe's yesterday. I'm excited to try it! I'll have to try a little salt!

  4. I love a good fuji apple! I’m having an apple a day as my afternoon snack lately and loving them. The fudge sounds perfect!! Yay! Glad you can have a little sweet treat and stay on your Feel More Awesome Daily plan. (Which is how i think you should call this instead of an elimination diet which just sounds so torturous and miserable)
    Are you using the Mindspace app? I know tons of people swear by it, and it’s free.

    1. I've been having one a day myself and really enjoying it. Especially with peanut butter!
      I like feel more awesome so much better than elimination diet!
      I'll have to check mindspace out. I hadn't heard of them until now, thanks!

  5. The darkest chocolate you could find with very little sugar... sounds like my kind of chocolate!!!

    I also love apple and peanut butter, but I am Pink Lady girl myself.

    1. That's so funny, I actually thought of you when I made the fudge! Angry, dark and bitter!!
      I don't know if I've had a pink lady apple to be honest!

  6. I am not a huge fan of honeycrisp either. TOO SWEET! I think it is funny because my son seemed to not like the super sweet apple much either, as he just ate less of it then other varieties. I love Arkansas Black, which I've only seen at you pick style orchards.

  7. Your cheese-y potato broccoli soup looks so good, as does the peanut butter fudge, yum! Sweet sleepy kitties!


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