Saturday, November 3, 2018

Kitchen Meh and Finding Those Deals

Although I've tried no boil gluten free lasagna noodles before with no success, I decided to give Barilla a shot. I enjoy some of their other gluten free pastas, in my opinion they taste closest to regular pasta. I only get a craving for lasagna like once a year and yesterday it hit. Since I'm avoiding soy I made an almond ricotta which turned out pretty nice. The Miyoko's was on sale so I splurged.  Although to be honest it's not my fave. It really doesn't make ooey gooey lasagna like daiya, or heck even Trader Joe's vegan shreds which are pretty inexpensive and melt wonderfully. I know Miyoko's is highly lauded in the community, but for me it's kind of meh and I definitely only buy when on sale. Otherwise it's not worth the splurge for me.
This is the almond ricotta. I just blended slivered almonds with some water, lemon juice, nooch, S&P and a little garlic powder. Don't tell tofu but I might like almond ricotta better!!
I had such high hopes for a beautiful lasagna!
Here is my disappointing picture. I think I just don't like no boil noodles. I feel like I tried gluten full no boil noodles back in the day and didn't care for them. They soak up too much of the sauce. And gluten free noodles have definite texture issues to begin with, and once baked it's worse!But taste wise it was delicious. I layered the ricotta with garlic-y nooch-y lentils and a little green onion. I was going to add pesto but forgot! I shared this with a non vegan coworker who didn't like the noodles, but loved the almond ricotta! Here is a direct quote "vegan or not I just want this almond ricotta on all lasagna!"
The Smith's grocery that's closest to my apartment is undergoing a huger renovation. It's kind of frustrating to shop there anymore because every time I go in there they've moved everything. There's construction going on in and out of the building. The upside to all of the chaos is finding amazing deals! They are getting rid of certain items so they have carts of clearance stuff, in addition to their usual random WooHoo sales. Yesterday I found some SCORES!
This is a 29 ounce jar for $2.29!! I usually buy my coconut oil from Trader Joe's who has the best price at $4.99 for 14 ounces. I use coconut oil for cooking and for moisturizing so this made my day!!
I also scored two loaves of BFree gluten free bread for $.99 each! This is hands down the best gluten free bread I've tried, but it's normally $5.99 a loaf for what is about half the size of a regular loaf of bread!! That's just not in my budget so when I see these sales I definitely go WOOHOO! These are now stashed in my freezer for those days when I want a sandwich!
Yogi tea starting my day off right!


  1. I think your lasagna looks great but I definitely agree with you about no boil noodles. I don't think it soaks up nearly enough liquid and it just doesn't work well. It does look good though and it's funny because I've been thinking about making some sort of lasagna for a little while now! I may have to revisit that now ;)

    Awesome deals at WInco!! You are definitely scoring big time with that bread, I still haven't tried it because it's so hard to justify $5.99 for a tiny loaf. Hopefully I'll find it on sale soon because I definitely want to try!

    1. I think from now on I'll use boil first lasagna noodles!
      I feel the same way about the bread, That price is outrageous. I live for the woohoo sales and kind of hoard them!

  2. Those are some great deals! I haven't tried the Miyokos yet myself because of the cost, but I have tried MozzaRisella, and I would imagine that Miyokos would have similar limitations--better as sliced cheese served cold, but not good shredded and/or melted.

    I had almond ricotta on a pizza in Brooklyn once (Screamers vegan pizzeria) and it was SO GOOD and now you've told me it's easy so maybe there is lasagna in my future, too. No boil noodles are fine with gluten for me, but they are definitely not the same. I can see them being different enough without gluten to make them just not worth it.

    1. The Miyoko's is definitely best cold. I enjoy it cold, but when it's cooked it's kind of strange.
      I think I'll probably make almond ricotta from now on, it's really tasty!

  3. It’s not east to make a structurally sound lasagna! You’re probably better off using thin sliced roasted zucchini instead of the noodles, no boil noodles have never worked for me!
    That almond ricotta sounds delicious!! I cook for my parents when i visit and one of their favorites i make is a spinach lasagna roll up- usually uses dairy ricotta but next time i’ll use this almond ricotta so i can enjoy some too :))

    Awesome deals! Woohoo is right!!

    1. I think you're right. I see a veggie lasagna in my future!
      The non vegan loved the almond ricotta better than dairy ricotta! I bet they'll love it!

    2. With a veg lasagna using zucchini or eggplant it’s kind of a pain cuz you do need to roast it first otherwise it will release too much liquid cooking in the lasagna and make a watery mess.
      Ask me why i know this....! Hahaha.

  4. Wow, those are some great deals! How do I get in on these Woohoo sales? Are these just a Smith's thing? Thank you.

    1. I think the WooHoo is a Kroger/Smith's/Fred Meyer thing, but when grocery stores get a product they don't sell by accident they just mark it down super low to get rid of it.
      Most stores have a clearance section, whether it's carts in the front of the store filled with stuff or a shelf somewhere near the back of the store.

  5. That is a fabulous deal on the bread!
    It is hard to find boil first lasagne noodles in the supermarket here, they are almost all the instant/no-boil kind, so that is what I have been used to. Impossible to make lasagne rolls with, though!

  6. Whoa! 99cents is a good deal for regular gluten filled whole wheat bread!

    I am not a huge no boil lasagna fan either. I only use it for a recipe for a sweet potato, cauliflower lasagna that uses a vegan white sauce. Even then I double the sauce in the recipe, probably since the noodles soak it up (and I never noticed)

  7. Your almond ricotta sounds amazing! And awesome deals on the bread and coconut oil!


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