Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Potluck Worthy?

 I was feeling a little run down yesterday so I decided to make myself a ginger shot.  I just added a little water, the juice of half a lemon and a knob of ginger to my blender and blended for a few seconds and strained the juice. It took seconds to make. It's really intense, but I did feel a lot better afterwards. I think I'll be doing this a couple times a week for the fall and winter months.
Yesterday's Mofo prompt was to make something you would bring to a potluck. I've never been to a potluck as an adult, I have hazy memories of potlucks as a kid. They all involved crock-pots and those silver disposable pans. Although I didn't use either of those things for this dish, I would definitely bring it to a potluck, or make it for a crowd! I marinated soy curls in garlic and a homemade teriyaki sauce all day so they really absorbed the flavors. All I had to do was give them a quick cook while I made some rice!
These are not really budget friendly but I needed a treat yesterday, and it needed to be chocolate. I highly recommend these!
Everyone but Joan managed to squeeze onto the pink sweater! It's been getting very cool at night and in the morning so cuddle season is back!! It's just so hilarious how much they love that pink sweater!


  1. Aww snuggly babies! The soy curls look amazing, I can't wait to try them!! I'm glad that you are able to treat yourself. Chocolate is always a good way to treat yourself and those look delicious!

    1. I can't wait to see what you make with your soy curls!

  2. Mmm... that sounds like a good potluck dish.

    1. Thanks!! I was hoping it wouldn't be out of place!

  3. The soy curl bowl looks amazing; I would love to see that at a potluck! What an impressive cuddle pile; I wouldn't have noticed they're all on the pink sweater if you hadn't mentioned it!

    1. Thank you! They are pretty much covering the sweater. It's just so hilarious to me how much they all love it!

  4. The soy curls look great! I don't think people have potlucks as much as they should anymore. I tend to bring cake or pie when the opportunity presents itself, but as a child I looked forward to potlucks because it meant I got to eat a lot of bologna sandwiches (for some reason there were always several platters of them, some with lettuce, some with cheese, some without either...I was in kid-version of me heaven). I still like a good veggie bologna sandwich but I don't think I'd bring them to a potluck!

    1. Ha, before going gluten free(ish) I used to love the Yves vegan bologna! Which is your favorite brand?

    2. Yves is good! I usually get Lightlife, though, because it's the easiest one to find near me.

  5. Ginger lemon is the best flavor combo! It’s what i use to flavor my kombucha, i juice a big chunk of ginger and a bunch of lemons. It’s so refreshing!

    I’ve been to some awesome potlucks and some that the only thing i could eat was what i brought.... this would be a great dish for a vegan potluck!
    Your cats with that sweater are just too cute for words

    1. Maybe that's how I'll flavor my next batch of kombucha. I've used cherry juice from Trader Joe's for my first two batches. But ginger GT's is one of my favorite flavors.
      It's just too funny how they all squeeze on the pink sweater as if the rest of the bed doesn't exist!

    2. I actually get the best carbonation in the second ferment when i use lemon and ginger, usually i juice a 4” thick chunk of ginger with six good size lemons and it’s enough to flavor a dozen bottles. My GT gingerade addiction is why I started making my own booch! This combo is near spot on :))

  6. What a perfect cuddle puddle!
    Those soy curls sound amazing, I would love to see them at a pot luck.


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