Saturday, September 22, 2018

Dented Not Scratched

Yesterday's Mofo prompt was scratch and dent. Make a meal with some clearance items! I love finding WooHoo sales, and I love the dented can section of the grocery store. Something that I've learned from working at a grocery store is that sometimes things get mixed up and a store will receive aproduct it doesn't carry. Instead of sending it back they will just sell it for a seriously reduced price to get rid of it. So clearance isn't always dented or almost expired!
I lucked out and found a bag of Yukon gold potatoes for $.99 in the clearance produce. These were in perfect shape, no bad parts to cut off or anything like that. I have some soy curls I've been dying to use so I decided to make a potato taco bowl. I cubed and roasted the potatoes with garlic powder, s&p, and smoked paprika. I sauteed some soy curls and black beans in taco seasoning and made some guacamole.
I so need to work on my plating skills because the star of the dish, the potato is not even visible!! This delicious bowl has potatoes, topped with black beans and soy curls, topped with lettuce and cilantro and of course a dollop of guacamole! For honorable mention I also used some green hot sauce that I found for $.99 on a WooHoo sale.
I didn't get these on clearance, but these are great if you're on a budget. This 8 oz. bag is under five bucks at Natural Grocers and you get A LOT of meals from one bag. I know they're probably impossible to find if you don't have a Natural Grocers, but I think you can order them online.
It's finally cooling down, even in SLC. The mornings have been really cool so that means a lot more cuddle piles!! I don't blame them for using Afro's belly as a pillow, it's a good one!


  1. The markets near me rarely if ever have discounted produce- however i think that it is not coincidence that they also make a lot of prepared foods in house........hhhhmmm.......

    That meal sounds delicious and really filling! Love the crunchy lettuce ontop. I swear taco seasoning could make a flip flop into a tasty taco filling! That stuff is magic. I like the one from trader joe’s since one packet lasts me several meals

    1. I get three or four meals from that packet too! The cashier at Trader Joe's said theirs is stronger because other brands put wheat flour in the mix as a filler. I always wondered why Trader Joe's taco seasoning is spicier and so much more flavorful!

  2. hi, what are WooHoo sales and how do i find them? thanks.

    1. Hi! Smith's, one of the grocery stores I shop at puts bright yellow stickers on their clearance items and they say WooHoo on them! I live for those things!!

  3. Your potato taco bowl sounds amazing! Hooray for kitty cuddles!

  4. I have a precious hoard for soy curls in my freezer that have been brought over from the US, we don't have them here. Though there are some similar type products in Asian grocery stores.


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