Thursday, September 20, 2018

MMM Dinner

I had the best intentions of following a lot of the prompts for this third week of Vegan Mofo. I even have lists and notes but this week has just gotten away from me. Yesterday I didn't post because Monday I was having some issues with anxiety and didn't even eat much all day.  Yesterday I did feel better, but I was really kind of out of it from the day before.
I wasn't even thinking about Mofo yesterday to be honest. Out of the blue I thought about this blog I used to read called Peas and Thank You. The blog is gone but I still remember this amazing sauce she made called Yum or MMM sauce. It's made with garbanzo beans and almonds plus nooch and seasonings. My very picky and non vegan ex boyfriend used to LOVE it.
Even though I've fallen off the prompt rails this week, this is definitely still a very budget friendly meal, it only uses 1/4 cup of almonds. I used slivered raw almonds which you can find cheaply in bulk, or even the little bags in the baking aisle are usually pretty cheap.
I tossed some of the sauce with gluten free elbows and added peas and small pieces of smoked tofu. This was a very satisfying and comforting meal. Here is the recipe if anyone is interested. I did cut the olive oil down to two tablespoons. It didn't make a difference in the taste or texture in my opinion. I'm dreaming of pouring some over a mound of potatoes. This would be a great sauce to drizzle over steamed veggies. It's also delicious with a spoon!
How much is that kitty in the window!


  1. This sauce sounds amazing. ^__^ I have some dried chickpeas, I should cook them up tomorrow to make this sauce.

    1. It is amazing. I can't believe I forgot about it all this time! If you make it let me know if you love it!

  2. That siusou gorgeous. Hope you're feeling better xxx

    1. It's soooo good!! I am feeling a little better, thank you!

  3. That sauce looks so delicious! I'm sorry that you were struggling, I hope you are feeling better now <3

    Those kitties are too adorable! I love that picture!

    1. Thank you. I am feeling a little better, just really drained.

  4. Oh, I remember that blog! That sauce sounds delicious! I've totally failed at Mofo. Signed up and forgot all about it until last week. Oops. :-(

    1. I loved that blog. Fun fact, Peas and Thank You an Vegan Crunk are the first two vegan blogs I read when I first discovered the blogosphere!

  5. Chickpeas in the sauce -- YUM! I'll have to try that recipe sometime; thanks for linking to it!

    1. It's sooo good! It's just this creamy, savory sauce that's drinkable!!

  6. Hope you are feeling better. <3
    That sounds like a wonderful sauce to help bring some comfort.

  7. I remember that blog! And i made this sauce a bunch of times and LOVED it! Thanks for the reminder, it’s been far too long since i made it last. I’m sure that was fantastic with your pasta :))
    I’m still sending you lots of good vibes for the job hunt!

    1. I know! I use to make it all the time and somehow I had just forgotten all about it!
      Thank you, I have definitely hit a rough patch with the search. But still moving forward.


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