Sunday, March 4, 2018

Snowy Sunday

I realized two things yesterday. One was that I hadn't made kitchari in forever, and two was that I needed kitchari. I needed the healing. I am feeling really run down from working these late shifts and I've tried until I'm blue in the face to get other shifts but I'm just stuck in the midnight zone. I also hate cashiering. It is the most monotonous boring thing I've ever done. I could write a novel on this subject and another novel on my losing battle with the blues but no need to bore anyone. I say all of that just to say that I made some kitchari with brown rice and red split lentils. Topped it with copious amounts of green dragon sauce. It really does soothe your soul. It's very healing to the inside which in turn makes you feel happier on the outside.
Something else that made me feel a little better is finding this ball in my room. Joan shimmied the sheet out from under the Duvet so she could take a nap in peace. I feel that Joan is an introvert like me because more than anyone else she finds spots like this where she's kind of closed in and alone.
Last night for dinner I made some brown rice spaghetti with basil garlic marinara and of course nooch! Pasta and marinara is such a delicious and inexpensive meal. And it's easy to add a little beans or tofu to the dish if you want extra protein. It's also surprisingly easy to find vegan jarred sauces that don't have weird ingredients and aren't super expensive. Noodles make everything better!

Here's my sweet girl Afro being regal on the blue blanket. This was of course minutes after we had to deal with her inner Brutus coming out. But look at that innocent face!
And one more picture of Joan being super silly. It snowed a l lot last night and I am blogging from bed because bleeeghhh. So Joan is nestled between my legs and she shoved her legs under my laptop! She is addicted to warm things!


  1. I'm sorry that you are still not feeling great physically or emotionally. I truly hope that you'll find some sort of peace soon and that your situation will improve and you will feel happier and healthier.

    Great looking kitchari and how sweet are those babies. The picture of Joan is too much, she is a kindred spirit I think! Hope you are staying warm in the snow! Yuck!

    1. Joan is so much like me. She loves to play around and be social, but she needs that alone time for sure!

  2. I’m glad you took the time to make some comforting kitichari, it sounds perfect for a cold night. Also sounds like it’s time to find a better job- certainly easier said than done but even if it’s just a way out it sounds like that job and the environment are not good for you on so many levels. Random but i have read so much about how stupid happy and well paid trader joe’s employees are- after 30hrs a week you qualify for benefits and each shift is broken up doing different tasks so you would never been on a register for hours on end. Anyways, worth thinking about- you deserve so much better!

    That cat in a sheet pouch is hysterical and also brilliant :)) hopefully that was the last snow of the year for you!

    1. I have applied at the Trader Joe's here, but maybe I should bug them more. I just read an article and new employees start out at thirteen dollars an hour!! That's amazing! And they switch positions every hour which sounds so much better. After hour four of cashiering I feel a little maniacal. And I have so many fantasies of just walking out!

    2. Seriously just walk up to the customer service desk and ask to talk to the manager on duty! Just say that you’re really excited about working for them and that although you had filled out an application before you would love to do so again and see what their feedback is.
      Worst case scenario they don’t have something open right now and they remember you next month when they do need someone because a face is easier to remember than a piece of paper. You would be awesome there!

  3. I'm sorry you've been feeling so run-down; thinking good thoughts for you! Loved all the kitty pictures, especially Joan in a ball under the sheet; Buttons used to do that all the time with blankets!

    1. Thank you. It's been rough but I'm coping.
      Joan is so funny. I find her in the strangest places in her quest for alone time!

  4. It's official! kitchari is on my list of mini-goals this week!

  5. Sahara used to love sleeping between my knees when it was cold. She was such a little heat generator, she kept us both warm!


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