Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Hauls and GoodPops!

Brown rice spaghetti,potatoes,green lentils,tofu, spinach,lime floes,flour tortillas,green tea,bananas,tahini,lemons,frozen pineapple,vegan shreds,brown rice spirals,marinara sauce,avocado, apple,eggplant,orange, carrots
 Trader Joe's is like that friend you can always count on. I love that their prices are always their prices, and you don't have to have a card or a number or pay a membership to get any extra deals. I guess that's why so many of us put up with the crowds to shop there! I always know I can get my staples and stick to my budget.
I bought flour tortillas again. I'm being so bad but man nothing beats a flour tortilla! I've said it a million times but it's so true. When people ask me if I struggled or struggle with being vegan my answer is always a definite NO. I feel like a whole new world opened up to me food wise. Gluten free is where my struggle lies. I love all things gluten and gluten free breads are either not vegan, or super expensive for something that isn't really that tasty. And I am not talented enough to make a gluten free tortilla roll into a burrito without cracking! So gluten free is a struggle for me and sometimes I cave in. I'm craving a burrito smothered in potato queso!!
This is my treat of the week.  I have been searching for these since I saw them on goodpop's website. I figured I'd have to get them at Natural Grocer's, but believe it or not we have them at the store I work at. I was super surprised! I had to get them. I love that the store where I work is getting so many more vegan products. The demand is growing!! 
Don't worry, I didn't let Joan have any because chocolate. But she is just like my sweet Dylan in that she loves all things coconut. These bars are coconut cream based so she was super interested. I kept moving the bar away from her and she is stretching her neck hard to get a sniff! These bars are great. A creamy vanilla base with bits of chocolate cookie throughout. What's not to love? The bars are vegan and gluten free and organic!! I highly recommend!!


  1. That is so awesome that your store is starting to carry more vegan things!

    1. I've worked at the store a little over six months(yikes) an I've seen so many more vegan foods come in and people buy them so I take that as an excellent sign!

  2. Those popsicles sound amazing! Cute Joan, so determined!

    1. They are seriously out of this world! I cannot recommend them enough!
      Ha ha she really loves coconut and she wanted to sniff!!

  3. What a GREAT haul! And those pops...OMG!!!!!

    1. The pops are so great! I don't often see cookies and cream stuff that's vegan so these were almost exotic!

  4. OMG I need those pops!!!! Cookies n Cream sounds amazing! Great Trader Joe's haul. I agree, they are reliable, fairly priced and the customer service is always great. And I agree, gluten free is definitely a million times more difficult than vegan! I can never stick to it for long.

    1. The pops are so good! I've had the orange and cream and now the cookies and cream and they are both so amazing!
      I just like that I can always count on the prices at Trader Joe's. It doesn't change weekly. It just makes life and budgeting a lot cheaper.
      Gluten free is such a huge pain in my arse!!


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