Saturday, March 17, 2018

Not So Freaky Friday

I thought this was pretty funny. I got a flyer inviting me to the open house of the Scientology center here in SLC. Apparently they have a new center. I'm surprised there would be a Scientology center here in SLC. I'm just so used to everything being Mormon. I've always wondered if Scientology is as weird and creepy as everyone says. I've experienced a few religions in my day and they've all had some creepy people and habits or rituals.
After wondering about Scientology in Utah, and in general I made myself a greenish juice. I just use ginger, carrot, oranges and spinach. The picture is a little blurry, I was having a bit of the Monday blues since Friday is my Monday.
I made some kitchari for lunch. One of the many things I love about kitchari for breakfast/lunch is that I can let it simmer while I'm working out/doing yoga. Then it's ready when I'm done. Since my body refuses to adapt to my late night schedule and I'm kind of slow and sluggish multi tasking is a real plus!
For dinner I had this very sloppily thrown together sushi bowl. My avocado had a few brown spots so it wasn't the perfect avocado, but it still tasted delicious. I felt pretty spotty last night myself. I use coconut aminos instead of soy sauce or tamari. I eat a lot of dishes that use soy sauce or tamari and that can be a lot of extra sodium so I decided to get in the habit of using coconut aminos since it is so much lower in sodium. Sometimes when I have sushi bowls my eyes are a little puffy in the morning from the sodium. I did notice this morning that I have no puffiness. It's funny how sometimes tiny little swap outs make a huge difference!
This made me do a double take this morning! At first I thought it was Etta and Kanye, and when I realized it was Joan I had to get a picture! Etta is always open to cuddling but Joan is more of a loner. She will sometimes begrudgingly accept cuddles, but never seeks them out.
Happy Caturday!


  1. It must be that time of year, haha -- two Jehovah's Witnesses stopped by here on Saturday morning with an invitation! I still need to try making a sushi bowl at some point! Sweet Etta & Joan! :)

  2. Joan may be a snuggle bunny at heart!
    As far as I can tell, Scientology is super creepy and weird. I have had peripheral knowledge of some people who were scientologists... and some of the stuff... so strange.

  3. Oddly - about a year ago I found out that my father pursued Scientology at the tail end of his military time. I never knew that about him. He said basically they wouldn't accept him because he wouldn't dish out a bunch of money for the different 'levels' LOL


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