Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Potato Madness

Frozen pineapple,Russet potatoes, oranges,red potatoes,tater tots,carrots, shredded hash browns, spinach,Carolina gold BBQ sauce, olive tapenade,lemon,bananas,taco seasoning, frozen strawberries, salsa,coconut milk
You probably notice an awful lot of potatoes even for me! It's that time of year again when I've decided to do another potato diet. I will be drinking smoothies and juice and potatoes only.  I've told myself I'll go two weeks and see how I feel. I'm doing this for several reasons. Some of those reasons are wanting to drop a few pounds, budget, and also I just feel good when I eat potatoes only. Or almost only. I've been thinking about this for awhile and decided to just do it. I've been feeling a bit depressed lately so I am looking forward to that surge of energy.I also have been feeling really uninspired in the kitchen. I don't do a lot of actual cooking on the days I work, but I love to cook on my days off and lately I just have been making the same things over and over. My digestion is always on point when I do a potato diet too. Since I eat dinner so late at night, and sometimes it's processed food some days I feel a little out of sorts, even with probiotics.  I'm also hoping this will kick start my creativity. I already have several ideas swimming around my dust brain and today is only day one! Spring always makes me want to cleanse and grow and change in some way so hopefully this is just a start of many changes!
Today is my Saturday so I've been having tea in bed while I read the interwebz and blog. Kanye's stare is subtly reminding me it's time for treats!


  1. Yay! I love your potato diets. They inspire me to eat more potatoes, and I also feel great on potatoes. They're super satisfying and don't make you feel hungry again an hour later!

    1. I agree. I feel amazing when I eat them, and I'm really looking forward to the next two weeks!

  2. That is a lot of potatoes and yet i feel like there are SO many things to do with potatoes beyond just baking or boiling- gratins, soups, pancakes like latkes, totchos, hash, twice baked.... not sure i could do all potatoes for more than a day or so but if that’s what makes you feel awesome then that’s fantastic!
    I love just snacking on semi frozen pineapple, it gets this sorbet like texture and is really refreshing. Tea and kitties in bed sounds like the best way to have a proper day off!

    1. I plan on making all kinds of things with potatoes! Tonight I'm going to attempt au gratin potatoes with a sweet potato cheese sauce.
      I always use the frozen pineapple in smoothies, I'll have to try snacking on it.Pineapple is one of my favorite fruits!

  3. I'm sorry that you are feeling depressed and I hope that this will help you feel better! I always love seeing all of the creative ways you eat potatoes!

    1. Thanks. I'm really hoping it helps too! I really am feeling some creative juices flowing!

  4. Looking forward to more potato posts (and results!)

  5. Potatoes are the best, I hope they help! There are so many things to do with them, and you are the most creative potato person that I have ever seen.

  6. I hope you are doing well with all the potatoes (so far behind on the blog, and I check instagram so inconsistently.

    I am feeling meh from food too. I am so dependant on pantry foods and I need more fresh produce! It can really affect the grocery bills after awhile! I am getting smart about it, and I can't wait till I get my weekly haul from my CSA at the end of may


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