Saturday, March 24, 2018

Sharing is Caring

One of the guys that stocks the shelves and faces everything overnight mentioned to me that he considers himself a mac and cheese expert, but has never ha vegan mac and cheese. He also has a daughter who is a vegetarian so he was actually curious about vegan mac and cheese. I decided to make some for him. I made my usual coconut milk cheese sauce and added vegan shreds at the end. It turned out super creamy and rich. I had to have some with my potatoes before work. I mean someone has to test it right?
I'm happy to report that he tried some before I left last night and he loved it! He said " I don't know what vegan food tastes like but this is good" I really believe we can open minds through food. I hear a lot of fear in people's voices when they think about going vegan. They're fearful of giving up those flavors and textures and in a lot of way feelings that they've enjoyed their whole life. So if we show that vegan food can be rich and fatty and all of those things it takes some of the fear out. And vegan or not we all just want food that tastes good!
This was my super beige dinner. I had a really draining night at work. It was one of those super toxic days. In addition to some cashier drama that was draining me, one of my male coworkers started grilling me on not being married. It seems as if you are less weird if you're single but have a partner, or are single but divorced. If you are truly a single, never been married woman there is something wrong with you, and you should be put in a museum or at the very least turned over to science to be studied. People laugh at me but this is why I take most of my breaks in the very back bathroom. I get ten measly minutes away from customers and I have to answer for being never married? The most frustrating thing is that single men don't get the grilling. Or in all fairness maybe they do, since I'm not a man I guess I shouldn't speak for them. Either way it really kind of upset me. Whew, thanks for letting me vent.
Onto brighter and non toxic things. Can you see Kanye inside the table? I couldn't get any closer or they would have moved. They've decided it's cool to have the door open and they can duke it out from on top and inside. Etta is just loving life in the packing paper.
And here is Kanye being adorable. As usual she really amped up the cuteness for the camera. She heard through the catvine that kitty bellies are all the rage!


  1. As a single female in my 30s I totally understand how obnoxious- and quite frankly ignorant and insensitive- that conversation must have been.
    You have to read this article, published a while back but you and i are both part of a huge cultural shift giving single females a larger voice and more power than ever before

    That’s really sweet you shared some vegan mac and cheese! Sounds delicious :)

    1. It was really terrible. Especially because there were other coworkers in the break room at the time so I felt really judged and on stage. Can't wait to read that article.

  2. Your mac & cheese with potatoes looks great; that's so awesome that you made some to share!
    I'm sorry to hear about your coworker grilling you about not being married; how at all does he think that's any of his business?!
    That's so funny about the kitties going at each other from inside/out of the table! Cringer & Daisy love doing that with boxes, haha! :D

    1. I was wondering how he thought it was his business myself. Like I hardly know this guy. It was really upsetting an I just can't stand how people think it's okay to be so invasive.

  3. You co-worker sucks. I have been single for most of my adult life, my last relationship was when I was 18. I am very happy being single, and choose to continue to be so, but some people just cannot get their head around it. It is so frustrating to have to defend, especially when being single literally has no impact on anyone else other than yourself!

    At least your other co-worker sounds nice, I am glad he liked the mac and cheese!

  4. Sorry about getting grilled by that guy. I think women get more flack about being single than men. That whole "if you are getting action" as a girl your a slut, but if you are a guy it's just boys being boys. I think people get all offended because they think women need to tame men through marriage. Gotta keep them "in line" or keep them "within the faith" (whatever faith that might be)

    I grew up never thinking this was a weird thing, so when I hear people pressuring (or feeling pressure to) get married I just find it weird. As Susan says, the only people who is being effected by you being single is you! Okay, maybe your parent if they are dying to have a grandchild- but that still isn't their business!

  5. Sorry about people grilling you on being single. I will never understand's no one's business if someone else is single. Oye! Then know I don't have (human) kids and probably never will and that's ok...I, too, deal with people grilling me on that. I love kids. I just don't want my own kids. But then again I think you and I had that conversation already :)



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