Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Life is Getting Sweeter!

I made some chia pudding for breakfast yesterday. I made it with unsweetened vanilla coconut milk, and defrosted a few frozen raspberries and blueberries overnight to add on top. You guys, even after only five days without processed sugar this tasted so amazingly sweet! I was worried that I was going to have to force it down, but this tasted like a real treat!
For lunch I had a huge salad with Romaine, iceberg, sunflower seeds, red onion, cucumber, avocado and of course pickles. I used an olive oil vinaigrette.
This has become one of my favorite meals! Quartered Brussels sprouts, garlic and tofu cubes tossed with olive oil, tamari, salt, salt, pepper and nooch. I also used a little crushed red pepper this time. Seriously though, a little tamari or soy sauce takes roasted Brussels sprouts to the next level!!
My food has been pretty boring lately but I'm just trying to keep it really simple. I was watching a vegan keto video on YouTube yesterday and the person said that if you're not fully committed to keto meaning weighing food and counting macros and testing if you're in ketosis, then you're not doing keto! While I thought this person was a little snooty I can't disagree. I'm not willing to buy a food scale, weigh food, download an app so I can count everything to see if I'm doing it all right. So, if I don't lose any weight, or feel amazing I definitely won't blame keto. I never cared for labels and I usually stay away from groups so I'm okay being over on the edge just flirting with keto ideas. Ha!
This was like a strange afternoon nap/ meeting around their favorite box! It's been warming up during the day and they like laying by the window when it's open. Fresh spring air!


  1. Oooh the chia seed pudding sounds so good! It's great that it felt like a sweet treat so you can still get that sweet flavor in! Feeling deprived of your favorite flavors sucks so it's really nice that you can enjoy that! That dinner looks seriously incredible, I'm going to need to try that soon! I don't think your food has been boring at all and I think you have a really healthy approach to trying out this new plan.

    Haha I love the kitty council around the box! That is adorable!

    1. I forgot that I actually enjoy chia seed pudding! And it's funny how sweet the unsweetened vanilla tastes! I think I might try it with chocolate coconut milk next!
      The kitty council meeting cracked me up!!

  2. Looks like an important cat conference!

    That Brussels sprouts and tofu bowl looks delicious.

  3. Your Brussels sprouts and tofu bowl sounds so good! Sweet kitties!

    1. I swear adding tamari to the Brussels makes a huge difference!!

  4. I love chia pudding! Actually i made it way to often and burned out on it last summer but this sounds really appealing.... (and i still have a ton of chia seeds in my freezer!)

    The measuring/counting/weighing food thing is where i draw the line too. If I’m satisfied and feel awesome that’s all i need to know!
    Soy sauce is totally magical stuff. You could switch it up a bit and use a little toasted sesame oil with the soy/tamari when roasting the veggies.

    1. I swear the berry juice from the berries defrosting overnight is like a sweet syrup!! I also added some hempseeds one day which was good.
      Measuring and weighing just looks and sounds absolutely miserable. It reminds me too much of my dark years.
      I ran out of sesame oil and I forgot to pick some up at Trader Joe's. I've been missing it because you're right, it would amp up the Brussels and tofu!!


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