Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Day Five of Whatever I'm Doing!!

I picked up some soy curls at Natural Grocers and I couldn't pass up a strawberry lemonade booch! I haven't had soy curls in awhile, and since I'm experimenting with more protein I figured these will come in handy. The kombucha is delicious. I love humm kombucha, their hopped grapefruit is one of my favorite flavors. The strawberry lemonade tastes like a less sweet strawberry lemonade. I will definitely buy this again!
I made some soy curl tacos with iceberg lettuce as the taco shell. I just sauteed the soy curls with some Trader Joe's taco seasoning for a few minutes. Easy Peasy. I added some avocado, red onion and hot sauce. Absolutely delicious. And I didn't even miss a taco shell!
So today is day five of my vegan keto experiment. I wouldn't say I have a keto flu, but yesterday and so far today I feel a little sluggish and I have a slight headache. But other than that I feel pretty good, an I'm very, very surprised I'm not struggling more. I normally eat a lot of carbs, especially potatoes and rice so I guess I thought I would have more cravings or be grumpier. I'm hoping that by tomorrow my body will have adjusted, and I'll be back to normal, or maybe even better!
Another day, another cuddle for Kiki! As you can see, Joan appreciates that Etta took the cuddle. She prefers to just be cuddle adjacent!


  1. OMG that strawberry lemonade kombucha sounds amazing!!! Strawberry lemonade is a favorite of mine and I rarely ever drink it but that sounds incredible. The tacos look awesome. I seriously need some of that in my life. I would love to try BBQ soy curl tacos with slaw, that would be amazing. I'm really glad that you aren't feeling too poorly and hopefully that will be the worst of it.

    Snuggles!!! I love.

    1. I think I'm goimg to make some kind of slaw/bbq soy curl dish soon. That sounds so good!
      I thought of you as soon as I tried the booch. It's so good, and no weird floaties!!!!

  2. Interesting! I'm behind on your blog so I didn't realize you were doing this! Can't wait to see how it goes. My diet is about 70% carbs (ha!) so I'm totally intrigued by this.

    1. I'm just trying to drop a few pounds so I'm flirting with some vegan keto ideas!
      My diet is usually really high carb too so this has been very different!

  3. Those are some pretty tacos! How could anyone feel deprived with those around?

    1. Thank you! So far I definitely don't feel deprived!

  4. There’s a coconut lime flavor that Humm makes that I LOVE but it’s not easy to find near me, i tried to replicate myself without much luck
    I’ve still never had soy curls but tacos are always a good idea.
    Hope you’re feeling better tomorrow!

    1. I saw the coconut lime and I don't know why, but I felt scared to try it. But now I will definitely pick that flavor up.
      I think I saw you ask awhile ago about my scoby, and yes it died. I have to either find another scoby to buy or make another one.

  5. Strawberry Lemonade sounds like such a great flavour!

  6. The soy curl tacos look super fun and delicious!


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