Friday, March 8, 2019

A Tale of Two Soups

I've been wanting to make a broccoli potato chowder type soup for quite some time. I used to love cream of potato soup back in my pregan days, so I kind of wanted to make a greener, healthier version of that! I boiled one potato and blended that with a can of white beans for the creamy element. Thanks Ttrockwood for the tip about the white beans! The soup turned out delicious, but kind of ugly. I buzzed thawed frozen broccoli in the food processor so the pieces would be nice and small and I think it made the soup look weird/ugly.
I made some noochy tofu croutons and had some of the cauliflower crackers on top. The more I eat these crackers the less I like them. Taste wise they're fine, it's the weird slightly gritty texture that gets on my nerves. I don't know what I'm going to do with the sea salt flavor, I assume they're worse. I think we need to realize that cauliflower can't and shouldn't be the base for everything.
This is another not so pretty bowl of soup! I had a little bit of Thai green curry paste floating around, and a package of yam noodles so I made a green curry noodle soup.
I got the yam noodles at the Asian market and they're made with konjac yam. I know there is a vegan shrimp made with konjac, I think it's Sophie's Kitchen? The noodles are also called shirataki noodles.  The first thing I noticed when I opened the package was the very strong fishy odor. Like it was overwhelming and scared me. I wasn't trying to make a vegan seafood curry! I rinsed them really, really well and soaked them in cold water for a few minutes before I added them to the soup. It seemed to work, the smell went away and they didn't taste fishy. The texture reminded me of rice vermicelli. I think people love these noodles because of the low calorie count. Like eighteen or twenty calories per serving. I thought they were okay, but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy them again.
Mini WooHoo and non WooHoo haul. The chocolate chips are accidentally vegan and organic and under two dollars a bag?? Why did I buy only one?? The pops are AMAZING!! They were a splurge, but oh so worth it. I used to love dum dum and blow pops, and these are so much better!


  1. I think your soups look amazing! Broccoli potato soup sounds awesome but that's such a bummer about the crackers. At least your curiosity is satisfied! The haul looks great, hooray for chocolate chips! I've seen those pops everywhere, I'm glad to know they are good! I may have to give them a try!

    1. The soup was so, so good. Not everything has to be gorgeous!
      The pops are so good, and I like to have them for a little sweet treat after dinner that isn't too horrible for me.

  2. I weirdly like those crackers! The Earth Balance ones will always be my fave, but I like those too. But I kinda like all things cauliflower! My friend had some and shared with me. She didn't like them either. But I did! Also, those shirataki noodles are so stinky when you open them. But the smell cooks right out. It's weird!

    1. The flavor of the crackers I love, it's the texture that bothers me. I should send you my other box!
      It is so weir with the smell of those noodles!

  3. There are food fads, and for whatever reason, cauliflower is the current food fad (one of them, anyway). It will eventually go the way of strawberry kiwi everything and sun dried tomatoes.

    That is an amazing price for chocolate chips!

    1. I feel like cauliflower kind of replaced kale as the trendy thing. But I really think the keto crowd pushed the cauliflower thing, like cauliflower rice and all of that.

  4. Yay for the broccoli soup! It’s just not a pretty soup no matter what- but if it’s tasty who cares?? ;)) i tried shirataki noodles a few times and they totally have to be rinsed well, but they made me crazy because i would be hungry like an hour or two later!
    Maybe you can use the rest of the crackers crushed up as a crust for crispy baked tofu...? Or instead of breadcrumbs for a veggie burger
    Yay for woohoo finds! You know that TJs chocolate chips are vegan? I think they’re $2-3.

    1. The shirataki noodles remind me of jackfruit because neither thing keeps me full for very long! Kind of not worth it if you ask me!
      That's a great idea to use those crackers as breadcrumbs because I'm always wishing I could find gluten free breadcrumbs!!
      I got some Trader Joe's chocolate chips too!

  5. The soups both sound delicious, regardless of appearance.
    I have sometimes bought those noodles from the Asian grocery store, and I like them but wouldn't go out of my way to have them. Because they are low calorie, the supermarkets sell them in tiny little serves for huge cost as part of the diet culture bullshit, which makes me roll my eyes. They definitely aren't very filling.


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