Monday, July 2, 2018

Sunday What I Ate Day

After my green tea I had this delicious smoothie with frozen strawberries and blueberries, half an avocado, maca powder and banana. The avocado makes it so creamy and filling. I enjoyed this in bed as I updated my resume and sent it to a few places. I've taken a couple of extra days off of work to really focus on looking for other jobs. I just get so rundown working until midnight, and I've been struggling this spring and summer because my body wants to wake up early. Lately it feels like no matter how many smoothies and green juices I drink I am just rundown and feeling like garbage,
I made this kale pineapple juice while I was cleaning and straightening up. The first pineapple I got from Smith's was really sweet and juicy. Let's hope the second one is as delicious! This just tasted like sweet pineapple juice even though I crammed quite a bit of kale in there!
I went simple with quesadillas for dinner. I've been on a real quesadilla kick lately which is bad because I've been buying flour tortillas but they're so worth the gluten cheat! I sauteed some green lentils with taco seasoning and used those as filling along with some spicy slaw and FYH mozzarella. Dipped in green dragon sauce of course!
I also had a root beer and banana popsicle after dinner. Those two flavors remind me so much of being a kid!


  1. Good for you for getting your resume out there! Wishing you lots of good luck. Oh man! I used to have those flavors of popsicles growing up. There was a 7Up flavored one too. I looooooved the root beer ones!

    1. Thank you. I need all the luck I can get!
      I've never had or heard of a &-up flavored popsicle before, but that sounds AMAZING! I love citrus-y things when it's hot!

  2. Congrats on moving forward with your job search! Sending lots of positive vibes to you! Your meals looks great, especially those quesadillas! Yum! The popsicles sound so refreshing too. Keep us posted on the job search, best of luck!

    1. Thank you, I need all the luck and positive vibes I can get! The quesadillas were so delicious! I've been on a real quesadilla kick lately!

  3. Yay! Glad you're moving on. I hope you find something that makes you happy (and lets you get more rest!).

  4. Sending you allll of the good vibes possible for the job search! You deserve so much more!
    That quesadilla filling sound delicious- i’m a fan of using refried beans in them. Root beer popsicle sounds totally amazing to me.....

    1. Thank you I need it! I love refried beans in quesadillas too.
      Root beer popsicles are so amazing, especially on a hot day.

  5. Good luck on the job search! Your quesadilla filling sounds great, and a root beer popsicle, yum!


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