Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Hauls and Stuff

I went to get some groceries yesterday. I went to Sprouts for some produce, and Trader Joe's for tofu and a few other things. I didn't get as much as I planned at Trader Joe's because I forgot that today is the fourth so everyone was out getting things for picnics and cookouts and such today. It was holidays level crowded and I just couldn't.
I mean is that a welcome sign or what? I love that when you walk into Sprouts the produce is front and center, the main focus. And as you're shopping, the majority of shoppers are in the produce section. The aisles are usually very empty.
I've read about the new Daiya ice cream bars on Instagram, but until yesterday had not seen them anywhere. I normally would let myself have a splurge, but I cannot justify almost seven dollars for a box of four treats. Someone else commented on the gram that they passed them over because of the cost as well. Has anyone out there tried them?
Here's something new I saw at Trader Joe's. I also saw these on the gram last week, and was surprised to see them at my Trader Joe's so soon! Now these are affordable at either $2.20 or $2.49 a box but they do have gluten so I passed. But they look amazing and I've always liked lightlife's products so when I have another cheat I will definitely try these.
Cherry lemonade,jalapeno,sweet onion,avocado,strawberries,red potatoes,mango,garlic,nooch,nectarines
All of that gorgeous produce was eleven dollars! I swear you can't find cheaper fruits and vegetables anywhere.
complete cookie,coconut oil,coconut milk,bananas,tofu,lemons

Like I said itty bitty haul from Trader Joe's. I walked in the door and almost turned around, but I needed coconut oil and Trader Joe's has the best price I've seen anywhere. I'm using a lot of it on my skin because it's so freaking DRY here.
I made some skin on red potato oven fries for dinner. I seasoned them with salt, pepper, garlic and lots of the South African smoke seasoning from trader Joe's. I made a curry mayo with Just Mayo and curry powder. This was so tasty!!
I got this cute picture of KiKi napping on her favorite sweater, and as I was taking the picture she yawned. Perfect timing!


  1. Awesome job staying on budget! It looks like Sprouts has some great prices and I've always loved how affordable Trader Joe's is. I really want to try those Espresso ice cream bars but I'd never pay that price. I would absolutely wait for them to go on sale. Your fries always look so perfect! Kiki is too adorable!!

    1. Sprouts really does have great sales on produce. I hope they have a great sale on the daiya bars sometime soon. Isn't that an insane price?

  2. Wow that’s really amazing Sprouts has such cheap fresh produce- they must be losing money on the avocados, i have never seen them so cheap! Not even in the mexican grocery in CA near where they grow!
    And i am crwzy excited for the chickenless tenders, i hope they’re in our stores now too. TJs chickenless tenders they do carry frozen are breaded which I’m not a big fan of.
    And whoah- those daiya bars are pricey. I have a really hard time getting any kind of ice cream home before it melts so i’ve been having a lot of frozen grapes and semi frozen mango lately.

    1. The tenders look so so good. They aren't breaded which I like because they always are. And I love Lightlife. I think I've loved everything I've tried from them. They will definitely be my next gluten cheat!
      I love frozen grapes. I was just telling a customer to freeze grapes the other day!

  3. Is it just me or are new vegan products getting insanely expensive?! I pass by so many because of the price. I wonder how much is the actual cost of production vs seeing how much they get charge for a product.

    1. I know. It's really sad because I'd love to try these things, and also of course support vegan products but it's just not possible. It also helps feed the stereotype that vegans are some kind of elite group and that eating vegan is expensive.
      I always wonder the same thing.

  4. Oh my, shopping on the day before a public holiday is always confronting!
    That is an amazing deal on avocados!

    1. I wasn't thinking when I went shopping until it was too late!
      I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the avocados!

  5. Can't go wrong with oven fries; yours always look so good! And cute KiKi; I love taking mid-yawn pictures of the kitties, haha!


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