Thursday, February 8, 2018

Yes Vegans Get Sick Plus a Haul!

I'm still alive, although I feel like I might die. My body tried to fight off all the sickies but it just wasn't strong enough. I have a flu/cold hybrid which is kicking my arse. I was really terrified that I had pneumonia because two people at work had it. So I guess I really shouldn't be complaining. I need a job not dealing with the public and that has a better sick day policy. We don't have paid sick days so everyone just comes to work because they can't afford to not get paid for two or three days. I have today and tomorrow off so I hope I can rest and get it out of me.
I ran to Trader Joe's for a few things yesterday. I didn't want to have to go anywhere on my days off in case I still feel like poo, and I do so I'm super glad I did it yesterday. On a side note now that I work at a grocery store I enjoy grocery shopping so much less. It used to be one of my favorite things to do. I also picked up some more booch an Epsom salts at Natural Grocers. Detox bath is definitely happening today!
I also got more soy curls. I really loved them the last time I got them. And they're like four something a bag, and you get quite a few meals from a bag, so I think they're a great bargain!
tofu,frozen strawberries,spinach,gluten free spirals,tater tots,bananas,lemons,frozen blueberries,avocado, sour gummies,peanuts,tofu again, coconut milk, onion
I didn't get a whole lot because green smoothies are my main source of nutrition right now. I just don't have much of an appetite.
Oh and in case anyone is wondering the peanuts are for the squirrels. I always like to throw nuts out for them, they get hungry too. An them running along the fence to come get the nuts provides my girls with some real entertainment.
Sorry this is such a boring whiny post. I just wanted to touch base since I haven't posted for a few days. Hopefully I kick this whatever it is very soon because it is really bad.
I wouldn't say Roxy loves it when I'm sick, but she does love the extra cuddle time. She's been very concerned and loving! Those eyes!


  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry that you are sick. I know you you feel about not being able to skip work since you won't get paid (my job was like that for years) but I guess that it is lucky that it coincided with your days off though so you don't have to worry about your check. Keep flooding your body with lots of nutrients, you'll feel better soon!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Awww, sorry you're sick! I love that you throw out nuts for the squirrels!!! <3 Also, I feel ya on grocery shopping. I worked at Walmart in college for a bit, and that definitely put a damper on shopping fun (but back then, I wasn't quite as into food as I am now since I lived in a dorm part of that time).

  3. I'm sorry you have been so sick, I hope that you start to feel better soon.

  4. Oh ugh..! Unfortunately i know exactly how you feel, i caught a nasty cold myself recently and it’s just frustrating and exhausting having your body feel so miserable...
    glad you managed to pick up some nourishing foods, i feel like lots and lots of sleep is really important to heal too.
    SO lame your company doesn’t have any sick days! Hopefully kitty cuddles, epsom baths and sleeping will help you bounce back quickly

  5. So sorry you got sick; I'm hoping you feel better soon!

  6. Hope you are feeling back up to par!

  7. Also...wish I could find those soy curls!


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