Saturday, February 17, 2018

Miyoko's Smoked VeganMozz

This Miyoko's Smoked VeganMozz deserves it's own post! One of my last meals in Seattle was a pizza with the regular mozz ball. I remember that it tasted amazing both cold and on the pizza. It was creamy and fatty and mild just like I remember mozzarella. So the other day when I saw this smoked version at Natural Grocers I just had to try it. I already had my pizza crust mix and a craving!
I wanted to shred this for my pizza and I also wanted to see how it would hold up to a box grater. It is a softer cheese an I've had other softer cheeses kind of melt into the box grater and just make a huge mess. As you can see it shreds beautifully. It did not make a huge mess and it made beautiful shreds. And the shreds didn't clump together. When it was time to add it to my pizza the shreds separated perfectly.
The cheese has a deep smoky flavor. I used to love smoke mozzarella in my pregan days and this took me back. This would be a great cheese for sandwiches. It also would be a great addition to a cheese platter.
This is my pizza. This beauty is on a gluten free crust with homemade pizza sauce, smoked mozz, spinach, mushrooms, red and green onion, garlic, green olives and nooch. The cheese is under all the veggies! The cheese melted and gave that fatty creaminess you want and the smoky flavor really came through and complimented the veggies really well. I really loved it, and although it is a very rare treat when I can splurge I will buy this again.


  1. When Miyokos is on sale I try and grab it when I see it...which usually ISN'T around here but some can be found in Erie and Lakewood. I have been able to try the Garlic & Sun Dried and the Chive one...LOVED them both! I have been looking for the 'balls' but haven't seen them yet!

    However...I just did a teaser post about our trip today...went to OH and found some really neat stuff...hope to spread those items and places out in various blog posts in the coming weeks!

    1. Miyoko's is definitely one of the best vegan cheeses I've tried!!

  2. Your pizza looks amazing! I love smoked anything.

    1. Thank you! I love smoked anything as well, and this really nailed it!!!

  3. I haven't seen the smoked vegan mozz around here, but the regular one was good! Your pizza looks delicious and so colorful! :)

    1. The regular Mozz is good! If you like smoky flavors you'll love this one too!!
      The pizza was so great, and what a way to get lots of veggies in!

  4. Oh my gosh that sounds SO GOOD!! Since miyokos is a west coast brand I don’t see their nut cheeses here much at all :/ but! Trader joe’s in CA had their cultured butter when i was home for the holidays with my family and that was really amazing stuff.
    I actually became lactose intolerant when i was a kid, and there certainly weren’t any faux cheese options then so i never really had it in my life. However, i loove smoked flavors, there’s a smoked tofu i find in chinatown that i buy and the brand soyboy makes a good one. That pizza looks so incredible!


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