Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday is The New Monday

If I meal plan and prep for say a week it really doesn't work for me because I always decide I don't want to eat what I've planned. For me part of the Joy of cooking and eating is looking at what I have and deciding in the moment what I want to eat. But I can meal prep for something later in the day to make life easier. I bought Jackfruit and mushrooms at Trader Joe's to make some type of stir fry, and I had some leftover tofu that needed to be used so it all came together. I sliced the shrooms, shredded the Jackfruit and baked the tofu while I was cleaning yesterday. I also made my delicious stir fry sauce with some gochujang, hoisin and crushed red pepper for extra spice. Because of this meal prep my dinner was ready in fifteen minutes!
I find Jackfruit on it's own isn't very filling. Or I should say it's filling for a very short time and then I feel hungry again. Adding mushrooms really helps, and the extra tofu really helped! This was so delicious and it was definitely better than take-out. It's weird because the deli where I work sells shredded chicken, an the Jackfruit looks more like shredded chicken than the stuff we sell!
Here's another picture of Kanye being a cuddle muffin. Afro is kind of holding her at arm's length but Kanye is persistent!
SLC has had a weirdly springlike winter. Like for the majority of January we've had temps in the 50s an 60s. I've barely worn a winter coat. Now all of a sudden at the end of February we're getting attacked by snow and freezing temperatures. I hate it so much! Because of the cold and grey there have been lots of extra cuddles at my place!
I am definitely feeling the Monday blues. It's weird having Friday be my Monday!


  1. Aww I'm sorry that you have the blues. I hope that things get better soon and that you are able to enjoy the rest of your time off.

    I know exactly what you mean about meal planning. I try to meal plan but every single day I just look at the plan and I'm like yeah I don't want that, haha! It's annoying but I try to look at what I have and figure it out from there.

    1. I'm gla I'm not alone on the meal planning. Some of the best meals come from just looking at what you have and making it up from there!

  2. Aw cuddle kitties!!!! I also find that jackfruit never keeps me full. I love the idea of adding tofu!

    1. The tofu and mushrooms really help. I felt satisfied and full all night!

  3. Your meal looks amazing! Loving the kitty cuddles, and I hope it warms up for you soon!

    1. Thank you! The only good thing about the cold is lots of cuddles!

  4. I'm totally with you on the meal planning! That's why I'm not into it much either. Your dish looks terrific! Kitty cuddles are great, too!

    1. I wish I were a meal planner, it always looks so nice to be so organized, and I'm sure it saves money but it's just not for me!

  5. I agree with you- who knows what i will want to eat three days from now? But i do find ingredient prep helpful, so i will roast a batch of veggies, make salad dressing, etc and then i can put together dinner super fast.

    I’m not especially enthusiastic about jackfruit since it doesn’t have a specific delicious flavor and yeah it doesn’t keep me full.
    You kitties are SO funny! What a great photo!

    1. That is a great idea to roast veggies, make dressings an sauces. Then you can easily throw together a bowl. Maybe I should try that!
      If Jackfruit kept me full I'm sure I would eat it a lot more!

  6. I am such a planner!!! I have all those cookbooks to work through, and I must continue my quest to make everything in all of them. ;)
    Hope the kitties are helping to keep you warm!

  7. I plan for the week, but I usually have it so I can rotate the meals as I want them during the week. Unless it is something like I know I will be working late, so I will figure that I'll have leftovers, or something easy like frozen burgers. I sometimes leave empty days for last minute meal ideas.


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