Sunday, February 11, 2018

More Sick Eats and Cats!

Although it doesn't look green, this smoothie had spinach and avocado, blueberries, strawberries, banana, and maca powder. I'm trying to get in all the nutrients. I'm feeling better, but I'm still not back to normal. I still can't smell or taste anything so eating has been a real challenge.
Last night after work I really wanted a gardein black bean burger, then realized I should save those for when I can actually taste! So I had a handful of frozen fries that were dying in the freezer, some tots and Dr. Praeger's California burgers. As you can see on the burger on the right I had crumbling issues when it needed flipping. I dipped it all in some sriracha Just Mayo. I'm sure it all was delicious!
Last night at work they had a bunch of blankets and robes in a clearance cart for five dollars. Leftover stuff from Christmas I think. I needed a cozy blanket for my couch, I liked the deep blue color and five bucks!
It's always the little things that matter, and make everyone the happiest! This blanket will never again be this color. It will forever have a coating of cat hair no matter how many times I wash it, and I love it!


  1. I hope you continue to feel better. Such a bad year for flus/colds! But those kitties look super snugglie in the blanket.

  2. Cat fur everywhere! I am just used to it. It will be the best blanket of all!
    I hope you can start tasting your food again soon!

  3. No home is complete without cat fur!


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