Friday, February 2, 2018

All Kinds of Vegan and Gluten Free Treats

I had a craving for quesadillas last night and so I made some pinto beans and brown rice and stirred them with a little cilantro and dice jalapeno. I also made another batch of potato queso because I just can't get enough!
The Food for Life brown rice tortillas do break very easily. They kind of just split in half which worked for a quesadilla, but would be frustrating for burritos. They crisped up nicely when I cooked them in a pan with some coconut oil. This was a really tasty dinner. I had all but forgotten about quesadillas! I added a little miso paste and tahimi to this batch of queso and it is my best batch yet!
I had the rest of my oatmeal stash and the last of the chocolate chips staring at me all day from the pantry, so I decided to make another batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. This time I wrote down what I did!

                                          Gluten Free Vegan Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
Before you start mixing, preheat your oven to 350 F, stick your jar of coconut oil in a bowl of warm water to soften, and make three flax eggs to get all eggy. Three tablespoon of flaxmeal, six tablespoon water.

  • 2 C Oat Flour
  • 11/2 C. Oatmeal
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 11/4 C Chocolate Chips
  • 3 T. Flaxmeal plus 6 T. Water
  • 1 1/4 C. Brown Sugar 
  • 1 1/2 Tsp. Vanilla Extract
1/2 C. Plus 3 T. Coconut Oil warmed and softenedCombine the oat flour, oatmeal, salt and chocolate chips in a large bowl. In a small bowl combine brown sugar, coconut oil and vanilla. Stir until it's a creamy, almost liquid-y brown mess. I believe this is called creamed. Add the wet to the dry along with the flax egg an stir until you have a thick cookie dough. I made my cookies using a tablespoon. I got thirty five cookies out of this recipe, but I did eat some dough. I also baked them for eleven minutes which was perfect in my oven.

I just took this picture of my flowers that I got for twenty nine cents TWO WEEKS AGO!! They are not only still alive, they are still looking fresh!


  1. Your queso looks so authentic it's amazing!! Those quesadillas look incredible, I'm definitely jealous. Thanks for the cookie recipe! I've been craving cookies big time and this is a perfect recipe to have on hand :)

    1. The queso is so so good, I'm totally addicted! It's my favorite vegan queso that I've tried so far!
      I felt so nervous posting the cookie recipe because I am no baker, and it's so simple but that's what is kind of nice about it.

  2. How are those flowers still going? MAGIC!!!!

  3. There are those beautiful flowers again- thanks for reposting them!

  4. I loved seeing the flowers after 2 weeks! They look great! Wonderful shopping finds, too! WOW!


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