Tuesday, May 2, 2017

What This Vegan Ate in a Day!

I figured I'd do a What I ate post. I guess more of a what I ate and drank since I include some beverages too. I didn't take pictures of the tea or water I drank, but other than the occasional kombucha I drink only water throughout the day. And I start everyday with lemon water and some type of tea. If I were to say one thing I've been doing for the past few years that I highly recommend it's starting the day with lemon water. I feel it has improved my health tremendously. On the rare instances where I've run out of lemons, I notice I just don't feel the same. I feel groggy, and less hydrated even if I've had the same amount of water. That's why you always see lemons from Trader Joe's in my weekly hauls. They have the best price I've found anywhere. If the lemons are big I use half of a lemon, but if they're smaller I use a whole lemon. I remember a coworker of mine in Erie used to role her eyes when I talked about anything health wise, but when I mentioned lemon water she said her 90 year old grandma swore by lemon water too. Anyway, on to the food!
I made my first batch of authentic kitchari yesterday for breakfast. I am so happy I was able to find split mung beans at the Asian market. They have a really nice earthy flavor that I enjoy, and they cook down and kind of melt the way red lentils do, making a nice thick stew. Topped with green dragon sauce of course!
I had a spinach, strawberry, raspberry, banana and hemp seed smoothie when I got home. Classic and delicious.
For dinner I made some avocado, cucumber and tofu sushi rolls. I need to work on my presentation, but my rolling skills are improving each time I make sushi. I also had the leftover Shepard's salad and forgot to take a picture, but you saw it yesterday. I just love veggie rolls so so much. And as a bonus, nori is good for hypothyroidism from what I've read so this is a great meal.
I also had a couple of handfuls of the Little Secrets i got on sale. They're so good, I wish I would have gotten two bags because I'll probably never find that price again!
Etta and Afro really crack me up. They get cuddled up in some of the funniest positions. I have to be super stealth getting a picture because Etta likes to move as soon as she sees me trying to snap them.


  1. I'm interested in the lemon water. Do you add the lemon to hot or cold water?

    1. In the winter I sometimes add it to hot water, but for the most part I add it to cold or room temperature water. I have several of the large perrier sparkling water glass bottles that I use for my drinking water, and I always have one by my bed at night so I just add more water in the morning and the lemon juice. If I could convince people to do one thing I guess the first of course would be to go vegan, but besides that it would be to start the day with lemon water. It's made a huge difference in my health I believe.

  2. The macrobiotic diet is all about eating alkaline foods that counteract acid in the body (which is supposed to be destructive) and lemons are considered one of the top alkaline foods. They're supposed to be very good for you. It's weird that they're alkaline when citrus is loaded with acid, but I guess that's not how the body processes them. So you might be right - lots of lemon juice is probably very healthy.

    1. That's what got me started on the lemon water, the alkalizing effect. Also reading that it's good for the liver. It's really been a huge benefit.

  3. Your rolling skills are on point! Mine are totally hit or miss (usually miss, haha). I've got to find some of those Little Secrets!

    1. My rolling skills are definitely hit or miss too. When it's a miss, I just have sushi burritos!
      The Little Secrets are so so good. They have a raspberry version that is also vegan and those are amazing too!

  4. Your sushi looks like it was rolled pretty well! I love sushi so much, but I haven't made it in forever. I need to rectify that at some point.

    1. I'm finally kind of getting the hang of it. I just love veggie rolls so much.Especially with creamy avocado!!

  5. Fun Foods! Fun Finds! Can't wait to see what you come across next!


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